How to Take Freedom Fest Home

There is an undeniable, electrifying sensation that accompanies a conference of like-minded individuals. When you are surrounded by brilliant minds, critical thinkers, and inspiring orators it can be all too easy to get swept up in the heady atmosphere the conference creates.  The room hums with the excitement of conversations and friendly debate. People cluster…

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Beware of the Golden Calf

With less than five weeks to go until Election Day, the nightmare that conservatives have been living in for the past couple of years seems to be almost over, or at least, this is what some have been saying.  While certainly there will be great euphoria as conservatives are elected to all levels of government…

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American Majority Joins the March on DC

As November 2nd approaches, those committed to the liberty movement are busy organizing, volunteering, knocking on doors and doing whatever they can to make sure that Washington, DC gets the message on Election Day. The message is this- you will be held accountable for poor leadership and ignoring the founding principles of our country.

There is no better place to begin driving that point home than in Washington, DC at the national Unite in Action (UIA) March on DC that is taking place in Washington, DC September 9th-12th, 2010.

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Young Voters: Conservatives Welcome You

Last week a Gallup Poll came out indicating that young voters under the age of 30 are less inclined to vote this year while noting that those intending to vote in 2010 still favor liberal “ideals.” Does this present an opportunity for conservatives to reach out to young voters? I certainly think so. But in proving…

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Tea Parties Vs. OFA

Organizing for America was advertised as the nucleus of the progressive wave supposedly sweeping America. OFA was to have the capacity to organize, motivate, and deploy liberal drones throughout the country. They would utilize the passion stirred up from the 2008 presidential election, mobilizing campaign volunteers into policy advocates. Yet, everything we have seen is…

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