American Majority

Training Events

absentee ballot
Webinar – Crisis Campaigning Series: Absentee Ballot/Vote by Mail Program
All Day

Event Details

How to run an absentee ballot/vote by mail program and incorporate it into your campaign strategy
A campaign has to be prepared for anything. An entire campaign comes down to the final stretch.
Even in a crisis your campaign has to turn out the vote. How do you get identified supporters to vote early or turn in their vote by mail if that is their only option. It’s simple if you know how to identify voters, contact them and chase the votes into the ballot box.
Learn how targeting voters, canvassing, phone-banking, targeted door-knocking and effective campaign data management all contribute to a successful Mail in / Absentee Ballot and GOTV (get-out-the-vote) programs.
This training will also include a case study of what we learned from Wisconsin in 2020 and how you can take those lessons and apply it to your next campaign or advocacy effort.
This is a training that must not be missed!
This webinar begins at 5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, and 8pm Eastern.