
Wisconsin Post-Party Summit

September 11, 2010

American Majority is excited to be coming to Oconomowoc, WI to host a 1 day training program for conservative leaders and community groups on Saturday, October 9th , 2010. The workshops offered will give volunteers and activists the latest tools and information that will help them be most effective in their efforts to defend liberty and fight for a free-market and limited government in their communities.

Topics include*:

  • Precinct Power: highlights the impact that can be made by focusing on precinct work, crunching numbers and understanding how the political system works on the local level.
  • Building Coalitions: covers specifics on how to lead an organization, how to hold elected officials accountable, and how to work together with other organizations in your area.
  • Patriots 2.0: explores how activists today can utilize social media and other new media tools to win the hearts and minds of fellow citizens.
  • Implementing Freedom: provides information for candidates and campaign managers about building a campaign, from the ground up.

*Subject to change as necessary.

The event will be held from 8:15am- 5:00pm at the Olympia Resort and Conference Center, 1350 Royale Mile Road, in Oconomowoc. Registration is $20.00 per person and includes lunch and training materials.

The event is being co-sponsored by the following local groups:

Northwoods Patriots– Eau Claire Tea Party–Chippewa Valley Coalition of Tea Parties–Greendale Tea Party– Concerned Conservative Citizens of Sawyer County–Rock County Voters Education Forum– Rock River Patriots–La Crosse Liberty Coalition–Manitowoc County Tea Party–Northeast Wisconsin Patriots–Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty–Wausau Tea Party–Greenleaf Tea Party–Kenosha-Racine SE WI 912 Constitutional Patriots–Liberty on the Rocks- Milwaukee–Menominee/Marinette Sons and Daughters of Liberty–Wisconsin Patriotic Resistance–Uninfringed Liberty–Wisonsin 912 Project–Ozaukee Patriots–We the People of the Republic–Janesville Tea Party- Rock Patriots– Concerned Citizens of Iowa County–Sauk County Tea Party–Lake Country Area Defenders of Liberty–Waukesha Defenders of Liberty–Patriots for Honest Government–Beloit Patriots–Campaign for Liberty

Please call Michael Yost (; 651-343-5558) for registration or more information.



  1. Larry Gamble on September 12, 2010 at 10:02 am

    I attended AM’s Candidate and Activist training in Aug 2009. The tools and skills I developed at that seminar helped me run a very effective campaign against a Six Term incumbent.

    We need more people willing to be political bulldogs and expose hypocrisy in the actions of all elected leaders. Activist training helps and gives people tools to be effective.

    We also need people willing to challenge the political status quo and RINO incumbents.

  2. Tim Dake on September 17, 2010 at 7:26 am

    I attended the activist training in Pewaukee last year and teh Post Party Summit in Dallas in January, I found both to be immensely useful. I use what I learn on a daily basis.

    The skills imparted area invaluable in the battle to reclaim our local, state and federal governments from the statists and socialists. Every group should send people to this training and then go back to their group and share what they have learned.

    Each group should add scheduling this training for all their members to their agenda for 2011.

  3. thomas kirchoff on October 8, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    i’m not getting it. you people don’t think universal health care is good for the country?
    you don’t think they envioronment is going to hell in a handbasket?
    you don’t understand that the middle class in this country is disappearing? got many other things to comment on too. i’m a senior citizen, always paid my taxes . never tried to cheat on them for a few bucks, didn’t feed off the public trough, did my duty as a marine for four years. and i’m always curious as to why the peple in this country will vote against their own self interests be cause major money is poured into campaigns by the big money interests in the country trying to protect what they have.

  4. Amycurtisy on January 25, 2011 at 10:44 pm

    Any idea where I can read more about these laws?

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