
Why Candidates Hate Fundraising

October 3, 2013

Why Candidates Hate FundraisingBy Brandon Lewis, published in Campaigns and Elections

I hate calling people to ask for money. I hate begging. I hate fundraising! It usually takes less than a full day dialing for dollars before the fundraising-induced rage starts to build for your candidate.

As a professional fundraiser, I see the financial aspect of campaigning unfairly targeted time and time again by candidates. They hate it. I get that. The animosity candidates have toward fundraising isn’t just a problem for them. It’s a major problem for the political professionals, too. For the candidate, It’s hard to even approach competitiveness in an election when you’re near penniless or underfunded. For the consultants and vendors, and I’m not questioning your charitable altruistic hearts here, but I doubt most firms take a candidate’s undying adoration as a form of payment.

Read the rest of the article on Campaigns and Elections.

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