
7 ways to improve on social media

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May 10, 2017

As a conservative on Twitter, you are undoubtedly passionate about posting and retweeting to gain followers and convince others on the virtues of capitalism and liberty; however, to make the biggest impact on your followers and potential followers, you should take a hard look at how you are coming across to others and consider the following tips when you engage on Twitter (as well as other social media) in the future.

You don’t have to be on high-heat all the time.

I’m sure you have scrolled right past many posts that only seem to rant without humor. You may have even unfollowed a few like this. Yes, your convictions are strong and you feel compassionate about a subject, but there needs to be a level of entertainment value in your posts for people to continue to want to read them. To continuously rant and be successful at it, you must also be a genius level comedian. Think Gilbert Godfrey, Sam Kinison, or Lewis Black. Chances are, you’re not.

Don’t make it all about you, honey.

Social media isn’t just a soapbox for you to stand on. Don’t make every post about yourself! Use social media to have conversations with, not just at people. Making it all about yourself won’t interest other people. Your posts should be valuable to other people, whether that’s because they’re funny, informative, or unique. 

Fully read each article you share.

You trust your friends and extend that trust to the people you follow. We understand that. They are trustworthy and would never tweet anything offensive or inappropriate, we are sure. However, in the event you share something you either haven’t fully read or read at all and retweet based on the headline alone, you could be unpleasantly surprised to find people unfollowing you based upon posts you haven’t even seen. Make sure to read the content you are posting.

Give your readers a break from the politics once in awhile.

Many people who follow you are political animals, and that’s great; however, most people need a diversion every once in awhile from politics, and to keep your content interesting, finding something else you are passionate about and posting about it periodically, helps keep your content fresh and your followers interested. Share your other hobbies and interests besides the political.

Use hashtags and trending topics to your advantage.

For conservatives, there is #tcot, #maga, and others, but using the trending topics of the day works as well; although, depending upon what those topics are, you might be in for a long day debating liberals. The more engagement, the better though, so debate away. Just keep it appropriate. 

Speaking of appropriate, remember that you are the adult in the room.

If you find your debates with others on Twitter are devolving into something you didn’t expect, remember to be the mature one in the conversation and don’t devolve down along with the interaction. Many people like to bait people they don’t agree with. While gentlemanly and ladylike sparing is great, too many people now days get nasty and downright rude on social media these days. You don’t win debates by losing your cool. Stay classy out there.

Tweet at the right times.

Don’t tweet in the middle of the night unless you know many readers are either up at that time or are in a different time zone, making the timing of your tweet more appropriate. Why would you tweet when there is nobody around to read it? Try tools like Buffer to schedule tweets at the most optimal times for your followers. 

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