
Ned Ryun talks about Charlie Gard and his daughter’s fight for life

July 13, 2017

Our CEO Ned Ryun joined Fox and Friends this weekend for an emotional conversation about Charlie Gard’s fight for life as well as his daughter, who was born at 24 weeks, four months premature. Ned’s daughter will be nine in November.

1 Comment

  1. RT Buffington on April 30, 2018 at 5:55 pm

    I saw Ned on a panel on Fox today (4/30/18) and liked what he had to say. He quickly mentioned something about the Deep State and I believe also something about Globalists in reference to the White House Correspondents dinner. I hope that you are training candidates about the full depth of the Deep State and their far reaching entrenchment in our government and pronounced backlash against outsider Donald Trump. They are also entrenched in our controlled media, explaining the bias that is so apparent today. This chart is worth 1000 words: The CFR, Bilderbergs & Trilateral Commission are at the root of the Deep State (George Soros is a member, big surprise). There are also several books that do a descent job explaining the depths of the Deep State. The Deeper State; Deep State; & Killing the Deep State are 3 of them.
    This a topic in which anyone running for office should be well versed .

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