
Why America is Great Vol. 4: Self Government

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September 11, 2018

Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.

Volume IV, titled “Self Government” examines the history of America’s early settlers, the Puritans. They packed up and moved to the New World to secure religious freedom for themselves. They formed a religious society with strict moral standards and governing styles that differed greatly from the political model they had left.

In a few quick pages, you will better understand the first settlers in America and the impact that their religious fervor and governing principles had on the faith landscape of the nation.

Download Why America is Great Vol. 4: Self Government

About these pamphlets…

In the Revolutionary era, pamphlets were circulated among the colonies to publicize newsworthy headlines and rebellious rhetoric. Pamphlets such as Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” could be found in nearly every colonial household.

American Majority’s pamphlet series, “Why America is Great,” likewise spreads vital information across the nation. Each volume digs into a specific topic and examines it from various points of American history. Examining the reasons why the colonies decided to revolt enables us to better understand the political landscape today.


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