
Judge Napolitano’s Rant Is Right: It’s About ‘Them’

February 20, 2012

Making its way through cyberspace is a bold, brash and largely accurate depiction of the state of American government and politics. Delivered on his last nightly broadcast, Judge Andrew Napolitano takes on the system in a five-minute rant about just how upside down the whole political process really is. His conclusion? It’s about them, not us. “Them” refers to the elite class of elected officials, senior-level bureaucrats and political machinery who first created and now maintain a system in which people matter less and government matters more, or people I refer to as the Ruling Class.

Napolitano’s pseudo-endorsement of Ron Paul may be a bit off, but the general point is one all of us need to appreciate. Ron Paul is not electable and some of his ideas, particularly on foreign policy, are outright dangerous. But broadening Napolitano’s argument to suggest that we need to change the status quo beyond merely switching parties in control of Congress or the White House is a good dose of sense.

The two-party system hasn’t failed Americans. A political culture that is too timid to challenge well-financed special interests has. As Napolitano points out, both Republicans and Democrats, from Reagan to Bush have pledged to the American people to reduce the size of government and not only did they fail to keep that promise, all of them grew the size of government considerably.






  1. David Ford on February 20, 2012 at 11:51 am

    THAT was wonderful. Thank you, Judge. We want the government to be afraid of the people. Then the people are FREE!!!

  2. Roger James on March 7, 2012 at 6:04 pm

    “Napolitano’s pseudo-endorsement of Ron Paul may be a bit off, but the general point is one all of us need to appreciate. Ron Paul is not electable and some of his ideas, particularly on foreign policy, are outright dangerous”

    Right Ned,
    What does the stupid judge know?

    Ned, America has a lot to learn about why we go to war. Let me just say this; As a former bankster – one of the private banks who OWN the Federal Reserve, war is a huge profit center and ‘we’ banksters finance both sides.

    It’s perpetual business, guaranteed to pay back by the force of government taxation. I am not a liberal when it come to war. I’m a sometimes vengeful Sicillian. It’s about the money… not about nukes. We could vaporize any country in the world who poses a threat in an hour… just using our Navy.

    Why bother spending time posting a comment on an isolated web site? Because I believe you are going to be a big player, a very big player, in the restoration of America.

    I’ll leave you with a couple of test questions;
    1.”Who owns Visa and Master Card?
    2. Who processes and profits from the billions of transactions that get swiped on every “food stamp” >> EBT >> now SNAP card that almost 45 million Americans rely on?

  3. Brett Keen on April 25, 2012 at 10:18 am

    “The two-party system hasn’t failed Americans”

    This is exactly right.It is the voting citizen that has failed. No one wants to discuss the truth, but it is plain. I t is OUR job to stay informed;It is OUR job to teach our children the hows and whys. It is OUR job to hold our reps. accountable;AND it is OUR job to vote.Not just a few who do care but every-one. We always tell our kids that when something bad happens to them,it’s because THEY let it happen. In some way or another they are ultimately to blame whether they realize it or not…..Well, here we are,complaining cause bad things are happening and what are we doing? Being our kids. This has been going on for a while but now tyhe real fight is on. TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY, in a battle that I BELIEVE is every bit as critical ,if not more so, than WW II. Then we battled against an ideology largely over there. NOW it’s entrenched here on home soil and bloody it will be…..I hope we conservatives AND libertarians and constitutionalists are up to the fight.

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