
An American “Revival” – Let’s Stop and Think

August 30, 2010

This weekend’s “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington, D.C. drew hundreds of thousands of participants and onlookers, all gathered with a common desire. Consistent with the event’s tag line, who would not want to restore honor to their beloved homeland? I was not in attendance, but for the most part, the reports I have read give me a good impression of the day’s content. By all accounts, it seems to have been an uplifting, encouraging day of unity and reconciliation. However, at the risk of stirring up a bit of controversy, it would be wise to examine and contemplate some of the statements made by Beck’s critics. And just to be clear, I am not talking about those who disagree with him politically.

Glenn Beck

While no one of sound mind has criticized Beck for his message of optimism, honor, or even the restoration of God-centered living, some have bristled at his posturing, whether intentionally or unintentionally, as the leader of a nationwide Judeo-Christian revival begun on August 28th, 2010. Thus far, the strongest voices of opposition (see here) have come from Christian pastors who cannot help but wonder why American evangelicals are looking increasingly to the Mormon Beck to energize a nationwide awakening. One preacher in particular stated in unequivocal terms that “America needs the biblical, historical Gospel of Jesus, not the gospel of Beck.”

Now, I think we can all agree that if a message of hope, optimism, and the development of integrity and good character is being promoted in an ecumenical context, it does not matter who is speaking. Judging by all indications, it does not appear as if Beck was attempting to do anything more than that this past weekend. However, the reaction of many American Christians has been interestingly forgiving of the theological – nay, fundamental – divide between the Christian church and the Church of Latter Day Saints. This development brings two challenges to mind.

First, will Glenn Beck set the record straight, discounting any ascribed role as a spiritual leader, Judeo-Christian revivalist, or any such position of de facto authority? In other words, will he tell his audience that he is nothing more than a radio and television personality?

Second, and more importantly, will Americans, particularly American Christians, think critically about the prospect of an unordained man who professes a different faith leading what is now being called a religious revival? In his own words, Beck resolved to have America “turn back to God” at the 8/28 rally. Will those Americans who profess the Christian faith think twice about following a Mormon back to God? To be clear, I do not advocate an out-and-out dismissal of Beck’s message. Rather, I urge all of his listeners to think freely and independently about the credence and respect they give to his opinions.

With this post, I do not intend to start a debate over the theological points of Christianity or Mormonism, nor do I wish to see ad hominem attacks on either. Rather, I am interested in the thoughts of the AM readers on Glenn Beck’s role in restoring honor and integrity to American society. Here at AM, we talk often about bringing honesty and accountability back to our political culture, but such values must first be cultivated in the lives of individuals. Naturally, we will look for resources that will aid in cultivating those values. In your own personal opinion, is Glenn Beck such a resource, a skilled cultural commentator with some good, helpful ideas, or is he someone worth looking to for spiritual or moral encouragement, or even guidance?


  1. Hope McClellan on August 30, 2010 at 2:13 pm

    The sad thing in this country is that Christians have these weird ideas that only their church is teaching the truth. I wish they would drop these old fashion idiotic titles and realize that all people who believe in Jesus Christ and his Father need to be united. All Christians need to be sharing optimism and love for one another in this rough time of our American life.

  2. Richard Gelina on August 30, 2010 at 2:31 pm

    I was at the rally. I was encouraged by Glenn Beck and the other speakers to look to God. Whether or not he agrees with me theology, which I believe to be biblical, and even if he is not a true worshipper of Jesus Christ, this pst Saturday he spoke the truth.

    Truth is still truth, no matter whose lips are speaking it. And if Beck is not a Christian, shame on those of us who are for leaving this necessary call to a non-believer.

  3. Mary on August 30, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    Eric, it sounds as though you haven’t been listening to Beck for long. He often professes to be no more than a commentator (or rodeo clown). It’s okay to ask questions. My question is why a class act like AM turned you loose on this subject? Clearly, you haven’t done so much as a google search to get the correct name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

    You’ve had lots of good replies to your essay already. Beck is not trying to convert anyone to Mormonism. He made no mention of his religion on Saturday. He was more of an MC than a headliner. What he’s doing is trying to turn the hearts of the American people back to God.

    Please take a bit more time to do research before you publish your piece. Here’s the official Church newsroom: You’ll find guidelines, beliefs, Church’s stand on issues.

  4. eleanor battista on August 30, 2010 at 2:14 pm


  5. Donna Summerlin on August 30, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    I listen to Glenn Beck often, and watched most of the rally. I have never heard him mention religion, his message of getting on our knees and getting back to God is not “mormon”, not do we have to follow a “mormon” to get back to God. I don’t see anyone else who has the you know what to stand like Glenn Beck has and preach this message. Neither evangelicals, nor priests nor anyone.

  6. Jeremiah Anderson on August 30, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    If you listen, Beck does not want anyone to follow him. He wants us all to turn to God.

  7. Joan Thompson on August 30, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    Glenn has consistently professed belief in Jesus Christ and the complete atonement Jesus made at the cross. Whatever else he believes, his description of his beliefs is 100% what evangelical Christians believe. Yes, you can be LDS and be saved. If only those who say they are Christian would show HALF the faith that Glenn has shown!

  8. Phillip Standridge on August 30, 2010 at 2:24 pm

    Shut up Eric we are all getting sick and tired of people that always look for some reason for us not to join together to what is best for our country. Why you guys can’t just accept the fact that Glenn Beck like many others in this contry,the majority to be exact, know we have been going in the wrong direction. We don’t care if he is Mormon, Catholic, Protestant or whatever. If people like you would take time to listen to the message we would all be better off. You are a jerk!!

  9. Walter Benco on August 30, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    I agree Eleanor. Glenn is always always always encouraging anyone and everyone to do their own research, learn about our founders, our founding documents, and not simply take his word at anything. I’ve learned more about our Constitution (of which I have multiple copies for distribution to my grown children), George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson…even Thomas Paine, James Madison and the Rev Whitfield! All Because Glenn encouraged me to do so, and I’m grown up enough (52 and still kicking) to make up my own mind about anyone and anything.

  10. leo nash on August 30, 2010 at 2:26 pm

    Glenn Beck wraps himself in a flag and with a Bible in one hand and a Book of Mormon in the other he goes forth… Like Jehovah’s witnesses and Chuck Smith’s Cult the Mormons are a religion born and bred in the good old USA. LDS want everyone to become Mormon and believe as beck does, that before Jesus was on Earth, in the land of the USA way back when and once upon a time, there were horses and wheeled carts and barley and wheat and steel ,not just iron, forged. There were great walled cities and a big war with 1 million people – the Good Guys were White and the bad Guys? … just guess…

  11. Jean on August 30, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    I don’t think that Glenn Beck has ever considered himself a leader, he’s more of a facilitator. He’s not trying to start his own church or even lead people to the Mormon Church. He’s trying to get people to determine what THEY believe in. This morning he quoted Jefferson (and I’m paraphrasing) saying That reason comes first, to the point that once reason is firmly seated, then you can question even the existence of God. We all as individuals need to know what we believe. Glen is trying to get people to educate themselves, to question everything and find their personal bedrock. He often encourages his listeners to read the source materials, not just to believe what he says. I think Glen is just trying to get Americans to understand what the foundation of this country is. Like it or not, this Country is founded on a deep belief in God and the rights God has gifted to each human on the planet. If you take God out of the picture, the rights come from the Government and they can take them away. Glen is a reluctant servant, is he making a bunch of money in the mean time? Yes, but he wasn’t wearing a bullet proof vest on Saturday for fun. I’m sure that while he is making a good living, it has also put him, his family and even his employees in danger. It takes a great deal of courage to move forward in the face of adversity, and its sickening that those measures are necessary since his primary messages are to know what you believe, turn to God and to educate yourself are positive and can only hurt those who want you to follow them like a vacuous blob of protoplasm with no will or understanding. Glen’s message is nothing but positive and its a shame that there are so many people trying make it something ugly or sordid.

  12. J Walters on August 30, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    “Now, I think we can all agree that if a message of hope, optimism, and the development of integrity and good character is being promoted in an ecumenical context, it does not matter who is speaking. Judging by all indications, it does not appear as if Beck was attempting to do anything more than that this past weekend.”

    I say that sums it up rather well! no further comment needed! thanks!

  13. Rick Young on August 30, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    I’ll be pithy,
    1. On several occasions Glen has stated that he is nothing more than a radio and television personality doing a job that others have not stood up to do.
    2. Correct me if I’m wrong but other than a burning bush who ordained Moses! And why would you care? He has never espoused his personal beliefs beyond just admitting he’s a Mormon.

    geez dude!

  14. marian israel on August 30, 2010 at 2:30 pm

    So far Glen Beck is the only one telling us what we need to know. Without knowledge it is impossible to discern truth from untruth (lies).

  15. pitboss on August 30, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    Is it really necessary to disect every single aspect of the rally? If the Christian pastors are so fired up about it, then why didn’t they take their own initiative earlier and beat Beck to the punch instead of whining about it after the fact? It’s not like a lack of spiritualism came up overnight. At least someone had the backbone to step up and say what the country needed to hear. And of course we have the Libtards trying to make a racial thing out of it. So lame and such a lie. I think these left-wing morons sit up at night thinking this crap up.

  16. Designated Conservative on August 30, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    It takes a small-minded person to reject the message because of the messenger. Beck’s focus on restoring honor and returning to a public life focused on following the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  17. Cindy on August 30, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    Glenn Beck is the best voice we have right now to articulate what we need to restore this country. He is the one doing the “dirty work” so to speak in exposing a lot of the dishonesty. He has the exposure with 4 hours a day between his radio and TV shows and can get the message across to as many people as possible. He found the one central theme this country is missing and that is religion. He is brillant and has his finger on the pulse of the majority American population. We need to support him every way we can and help be his watchdogs and feed him information as well as keep his ratigns up to keep him on the air. Without having to even run for president, he is doing more for this country’s spirits than either the current president or the past 2 presidents have been able to do to unite this country. With him, I feel much better now than I did after Election Day 2008 when I felt such darkness and I can see light at the end of the tunnel. He has my prayers and wishes for a long happy life.

  18. Rick on August 30, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    Glenn is trying to re-ignite the spirit behinid the Constitiutionl Convention in that while there are many different sects to Christianity, at the core, we all believe in the same values. The founders knew that the idea os liberty and self governance in the form of a Republic could only last with a virtuous people. That’s where he’s going with all of it.

  19. Janet Coulter on August 30, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    I watched the entire event on C-Span and I saw nothing wrong with his message. Being a Mormon doesn’t mean he’s not a Christian. Most, if not all, Christian religions was being represented. We must, also, keep in mind that the Government is enlisting some churches to preach “their” propaganda. And Glenn is right…”collective salvation” is a perversion of the Gospel.
    But all I saw him doing was telling people to get their strength to stand from God. We must get our honor back!

  20. Kristine on August 30, 2010 at 2:36 pm

    Beck is a skilled cultural commentator, saying things that others either can’t or won’t say.

    God can and does use whomever He wills – and quite frequently “Colors outside the lines.” Remember Balaam, Paul, Martin Luther, Zwingli, Tyndale, etc?. That said, where are the “Christian” leaders who’re ready and willing to carry this kind of “torch”?

  21. Linda Peterseon on August 30, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    As, Christians, we are not supposed to judge. God is the only one that can do that. I don’t really care if you are a Methodist, Catholic, Mormon, Pentecostal, or Evangelical. We are all Americans and we all care about this great country.

  22. Norma Brock on August 30, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    Well said Eleanor! Labels, finger pointing and posturing are the things that divide us, both in political parties and religious denominations. Leave Glen Beck alone and take a look inside your own heart folks!

  23. Walter Lounsbery on August 30, 2010 at 2:39 pm

    I think if you are going to read critics and make demands of Glenn Beck without even attending the Restoring Honor event, you may invite some crticism yourself. Your demands sound totally uninformed. Have you listened to Glenn’s own statements about the event and his motives that occurred over a period of months, or to the Chris Wallace interview after the Restoring Honor Rally? Have you watched the CSPAN coverage? If you had done any of these things, you would know the focus of the event. It was not Glenn Beck. Please check out the actual event and the actual people that were honored there.

  24. Karen on August 30, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    I too am baptised Mormon and I heard no referenc to that or any one religion. I was awed that he held everyones attention, the quiet at just the right times, the messages were not all religious. Speakers from different places and religions.
    Time will show that maybe just maybe this “revival” has opened many peoples eyes to turn them back to the God our creator.
    as eleanor said ” an AMERICAN….TALKING ABOUT OUR FOUNDERS….” Leave it at that

  25. Jean Akin on August 30, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    We watched the entire event on C-Span and were greatly encouraged. Men and women of every ethnicity joining together to uplift each other, to honor each other, and to turn each other towards God and His love. It was a great event and one I hope will begin positive change in the hearts of people across America.

  26. Larry on August 30, 2010 at 2:44 pm

    Hey Dr Glenn, Carole and I LOVE YA!!!!! We were there on the 28th and feel blessed to have been among the over 600,000. All of us there for the same reason…to get our Wonderful Country back from the, the, well you know, and keep it safe and free for all of us!!!!! Our children and grand-children are counting on us to leave all of this the same as or maybe even better than it was when we were born. THANK YOU for all you are doing there and we will keep fighting here in Ohio to make it better by taking control back and keeping it from thise who want to destroy what we have all enjoyed for over 230 years! We Love Ya and watch you every day!

    Carole and Larry

  27. MP on August 30, 2010 at 2:44 pm

    Though I definitely disagree with many of his theological beliefs and statements, I am so thankful that SOMEONE is speaking out and uniting America. I can’t remember another time when anyone brought that many people to DC and asked them to get on their knees to pray for our country and get back to the basic virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.

  28. Judy GA on August 30, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    He does not profess to be a “preacher”. I am one Christian who is glad finally see someone speak of God in our country. Clearly our local pastors are afraid to take a stand. I have personally asked my pastor to give a sermon about values in our elected representataives. They are afraid of loosing their tax exempt status.

  29. Dean Peterson on August 30, 2010 at 2:46 pm

    Why don’t we change the House of Representatives, to elected officials who can put bills forward, but the American people vote on it, make us a Democracy! We are now in a Republic out of necessity 230 years ago. Technology has changed, and we need to do the same, so that the American People be the balance, to the checks and balances. A centralized government overseeing state government, was never the intention of the founding fathers! The States were to have the rights to govern their own citizens. If Mass. wants health care, let them have it and pay for it!

  30. Bill on August 30, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    I was at the rally on Ssaturday, and although I am a practicing Baptist Christian, I did not hear anything from Glenn Beck that caused me to want to change to Mormonism. I believe that his message was clear, concise, and to the point. That is, that we, as American’s, need to turn back to God to guide us in all things, including running our government. I, for one, was glad to see someone stand up in front of God, the many thousands of people at the rally, and millions more watching on video around the world, and say what this country needs to do to be restored to our once greatness.

  31. Dan on August 30, 2010 at 2:48 pm


    David Baton , Miss King etc..and several he has on his show know this.

    I think it is the only Mitt Romney did NOT win the Republican Presidential Nomination In 2008.

    ” The Truth Is Still The Truth ~ Even If You Choose Not To Believe It”

    Only thing to do is “Pray” that Glenn see’s more of the light.

    At least, he step out and spoke in a big way, in public…and is NOT hiding in the safety of his Church…Like so many “Christians” do.

    I am as “guilty” of this as anyone.

    Most Christian Pastors will NOT do it..Because They would loose there 501 “Non Profit Status.”


    Even though Glenn had “Pastor Hagee” do the closing prayer on 8/27 from the “Kennedy Center”…”Pastor Hagee” …would NOT And Does Not Agree With The Mormon Doctrine.


    I think he does see that…support of this event was a must, for the good of our country.

    But, at the same time…Pastor Hagee could NOT do an event like this, because more than likely…the Government (IRS) would take his churches “Tax Exemption Status” away…

    God ” Moves In Mysterious Ways”….

    Lets Pray that Glenn sees that…I think he will.

    But, I also want to say that…just because he holds some beliefs now in this place & time in his life …does not mean that it will not change….and does not mean that 828 was wrong or he was trying to point people in the wrong direction.

    Glenn has come a LONG WAY…And is always “Challenging Himself To Find The REAL TRUTH”….So I Believe GOD will show him the Full Truth Of His “Current” Religious Beliefs



    Peace to ALL!

  32. Ken on August 30, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    `Glenn Beck would never try try to convert and/or use his religion as a tool `politically and/or for personal gain. And for those who don`t know, `Mormonisn is solely base on `Christianity. Our (Mormon) beliefs are `christian beliefs. So, when he talked about getting back to `God in his speech in Washington, no one should even think that he is trying to throw his own(Mormon) religion around. There are `Many religions that are based on the christian beliefs. I am sure (knowing Glenn)he meant all christian based religions.

  33. Steve Crabill on August 30, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    Who are we to question whom God will choose? While I am absolutely not trying to elevate Mr. Beck to the level of an Apostle, the early Church certainly would not have chosen Paul. As it is written, “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” (1Cr 1:27)

  34. Harlene Watson on August 30, 2010 at 4:59 pm

    Eric – I liked your commentary on Glen Beck and I agree with your view points. I would have never known that he was a Morman because I never heard him mention it on any of his shows. I am a born again christian and do not believe in any of the cults so-called theology. I can only pray that Glen Beck will do extensive research on the Morman religion and discover the real truth and then come to know Jesus as his savior.

  35. donna ashworth on August 30, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    The country would be better off if we were all like Glenn Beck.
    God first, then country, . Liberty with justice for all. Let’s nominate Glenn Beck for President of the U.S. Donna

  36. Kari Johnston on August 30, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    Well said Jean. What difference does it make if Beck is a Mormon? Or a Baptist? Or Catholic? Or Jewish? Anybody who says ANYTHING negative about his message is just making an idiot of themselves. If all Americans cannot agree on the basic message of the RESTORING HONOR rally, then we’re doomed…

  37. Dan on August 30, 2010 at 3:10 pm

    The last time I checked Mr. Beck wasnt being arrest for molesting little boys!!! If the man is working in his heart for Jesus, “Let Him Do Gods Work”, Im a cristian and it sounds to me like some of the clergy are upset about having thier thunder taken from them by an honest man!!!!

  38. Brian H. on August 30, 2010 at 3:11 pm

    Since when has Christians “weird ideas” been forced upon anyone that only their church has it right. Do Christians go around knocking on doors to profess they are the only religion, or do they simply talk about the Bible and becoming right with God? The only true religion is the one you have personally with God and what you take from the Bible. The lessons from Jesus is to love thy neighbor, and your ememies, and to pray for those who need it most. We on earth are all brothers and sisters, under God. God is the way, the truth and the light. Not the religion we practice.

  39. Jeanne Altman on August 30, 2010 at 3:16 pm

    I thought Glenn Beck’s message was right on. I believe he was led by God to bring it at that place and at that time. I am a Independent Christian Church member. I know a little about the Mormon faith and altho I don’t agree with a lot of it, I do know that God can use whomever he wants to bring His message. Jesus was a poor carpenter and the disciples were unlearned men. The Holy Spirit can work thru any of us that our Lord determines to use. Please don’t think that Christians are mesmerized by Glenn Beck. We believe God’s message, delivered in God’s time. There are many others who could do this if it’s God’s will and the messenger is in tune with God.

  40. Dale Patterson on August 30, 2010 at 3:20 pm

    Glenn Beck is simply making a move to help all Christian Americans come together in spite of the non-christian influences that have threatened the fabric of this Republic over the last 100 years.

    More power to ANYONE who stands for moral and righteous beliefs in this day and age.

    We have come too far, to allow reprobates and losers rule this land.

    “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14

    It’s past the time when we should be treating one another like human beings. We need to reclaim this country from those who seek elitism rather than rule of law.

  41. Linda Eubanks on August 30, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    We are all human beings…(I hope)..We all need to come together to try and save our country. Simple as that….Glenn is only…as far as I can tell..and I watch and listen everyday…trying to do JUST THAT!!! SIMPLE
    Even if you don’t believe in a god….we still need to return to what our founding fathers preached and founded this nation on. Why do people keep trying to desert our constitution?
    Religions have forever through history cause great wars…..!!
    Beck is ONLY TRYING TO OPEN EVERY CITIZENS EYES to what is happening to this nation. We MUST UNITE. NOW Or forever hold our peace and give our selves over to politicians and become slaves…….WHY IN GODS’ NAME ARE YOU FIGHTING AGAINST TRUTH?

  42. Nathan on August 30, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    I am a devoted Christian, and believe that every word in the Bible is ordained by God. I do not completely understand the Mormon religion, nor do I need to. Regardless of Beck’s specific theological beliefs, he was used by God this past weekend. I listened to the entire broadcast on tv and although he said a couple of things that made me scratch my head, for the most part he didn’t say anything that Christians can disagree with. Any christian that takes a hard stance against Beck is doing so only because of his religion. That, in itself, is ungodly. How can we deny the accuracy of Beck’s message? #1 FAITH- Our country will not change directions until we return to God. “Without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God. Beck is right. #2 HOPE- Our hope is in the Lord. If we focus on Him, our future is secure. Beck is right #3 CHARITY- 1 Corinthians chapter 13…..without love/charity, we are nothing. Beck was right.

    I don’t have to believe everything Beck believes to know that he is on to something. We need to take heed. For whatever reason, God is using Glen Beck. It’s not the first time He has used a seemingly unworthy vessel.

  43. Simone Russell on August 30, 2010 at 3:31 pm

    Glenn Beck answered many of those questions right after the rally with Chris Wallace. Glenn would agree that “America needs the biblical, historical Gospel of Jesus, not the gospel of Beck.” He is not telling what people to believe. He is telling them to search within themselves to find out what they believe. When Chris Wallace asked him “What are you?” Glenn’s first answer was “A father.” And that is his favorite role, besides husband. He has no loftier aspirations.

    Glenn doesn’t want ANYONE following him “back to God.” He wants people to follow after their own consciense.

  44. Terri Fabula on August 30, 2010 at 3:33 pm

    Glen is just trying to say that when the majority of folks in this country believed in God it was a better place. It doesn’t matter who your “God” is…it just matters that you believe in something!

  45. Dan on August 30, 2010 at 3:37 pm


    Less than 10 years ago ‘Glenn” would have been on a “BAR STOOL” watching ‘Obama’ giving a speech in LA on “Katrina”…thinking he sound like a great guy…


    Because he believed in nothing….

    I Would say “God” is working in his life…

    He did not go from a “BAR STOOL” To “828” without some ‘divine intervention’..IMHO

    I still do not agree with the Mormon Doctrine….

    But, Just the same, I DO BELIEVE HE IS SEEKING THE REAL LIVING GOD…Through His Son Jesus Christ…The only son of GOD!


  46. Geri on August 30, 2010 at 3:38 pm

    I didn’t attend Glenn’s rally but I believe what the country needs is to ask for God’s forgiveness and start praying. God doesn’t like getting shoved out of the way. He made this planet and he can darn well break it if He so chooses. I believe in the power of prayer and I pray all the time for anything and everybody. We need to stop focusing on the busy-ness in our lives and pay more attention to God. I’ve started doing that and it really works.

  47. Robert on August 30, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    And what is wrong with restoring a little honor to America?
    8 28 They say Beck was trying to hijack the message of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    It is totally false.
    He chose the scripture Romans 8: 28 to model his restoring honor campaign.
    Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.
    He was saying we all have a role in the life of America.
    We all have rights and responsibilities if we are going to keep this nation of freedom.
    He was talking about personal responsibility which is sourly lacking in America.
    What about responsible government?
    For over 70 years America has been hijacked by the left.
    Socialism, Communism, Atheism , were not a part of America at her founding.
    Homosexual marriage, abortion, were considered an abomination.
    Today America embraces the above.
    Can G-ds judgement be far off, and not just for America, but for the entire world!

  48. Mr. D on August 30, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    This of course leaves out all the non-Christians who believe the nation needs to return to the principles of the Founding Fathers, regardless of religion.

  49. Julia on August 30, 2010 at 3:55 pm

    How about if you first get the name of Glenn Beck’s church correct…it is The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, who by the way are Christians & therefore should not be classified as a group apart from American Christians!

  50. J. Delaney on August 30, 2010 at 3:57 pm

    Of course the author wanted to stir the pot. Geez, what difference does it make that Beck is LDS. Does he believe in God? That is the bottom line. I personally am a Catholic and I saw nothing wrong with anything said. I believe in all faith’s that believe in a Supreme Being as long as they follow peace and understanding to all. This country was built on Christian beliefs and it should follow those guidelines today. You want to follow another religion, fine but if you want your country to also follow your beliefs I suggest you move.

  51. Eric Josephsen on August 30, 2010 at 3:59 pm

    Thanks for the comments all. Some good points here.

    To reiterate, I have not, nor do I, suggest that anyone completely disregard the message of the Restoring Honor rally. It was an event promoting a noble cause, and its message is one that will surely do more good than harm. That being said, I feel the need to clarify.

    This post is NOT an attack on Beck or the rally. It is an observation on a recently developed trend. As recently as a few years ago, a Mormon would not have gained such an immense following with Christians in America, largely, if not entirely, because of distinct theological differences between the two faiths. Now, many evangelicals credit Beck for this spiritual event without so much as mentioning the influence of his own faith. I cannot help but think that this post was so controversial precisely because I mentioned it.

    That said, the observation here is on the way that Christians in America have received Glenn Beck, not the way that he has portrayed himself. I DO listen to his show somewhat regularly, and I AM well aware that he frequently tells his listeners to think for themselves. I hope that they will. Beck does not claim to be the leader of a spiritual awakening, but there appear to be a good number of people out there who view him as such, to one degree or another.

    And as a final word, for those who belittle pastors for not “stepping up” like Beck, I urge you to remember that pastors have their own jobs. They do not have the audience that Glenn Beck does, nor do they operate for-profit companies as Glenn Beck does. Pastors do not organize rallies of this magnitude because they are instead working in their churches, cultivating their congregations and caring for the communities over which they have been given authority. They are not nationally known radio personalities, nor are they even known across their states, with a few exceptions. They choose instead to work with the people they interact with every day.

  52. Clete LaBoe on August 30, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    I was once asked the question: What do you get when you send an idiot to college?? The answer, of course, is an educated idiot. I think that holds true here!!!!!

  53. Van on August 30, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    I listen to Beck’s radio show everyday and he has made it perfectly clear that 8/28 was not about him at all, it was about all of us. I am a Baptist and needless to say my beliefs differ from Becks, but the common denominator is God. Glenn Beck’s message is very simple… turn to God and develop an individual relationship with him. Change your life and start living it with honor and integrity with absolute faith in God or America will no longer exist. I think it’s safe to say that all faiths can agree on that. If the Christian leaders in this country have a problem with a Mormon leading the charge then perhaps they should have beaten Beck to the punch and started the revival a long time ago, but the “Christian” leaders that oppose it are too afraid of losing members of their congregation from standing side by side with a Mormon, and for that they are hypocrites. These are the same people that try to “pray the gay away”. They have no credibility. Someone had to be the first to stand up and do the hard thing and If that person is a Mormon then so be it. The truth is the truth, and America needed to hear it.

  54. jason on August 30, 2010 at 4:25 pm

    The message was very clear that it dosnt matter what color or relegon you are it is that you look toGod for he has the answers and he alone cane give you hope .and the charity of man helping each other to get thro hard times. I think everyone can unite under that thought . I say God bless Glenn Beck for his countrubution to this country

  55. Al Bulisky on August 30, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    I think who is going to quivel over christian sects denominations as a factor in Glenn Beck’s message have missed the point of it entirely.

  56. Jan Lucas on August 30, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    “…Christian pastors who cannot help but wonder why American evangelicals are looking increasingly to the Mormon Beck to energize a nationwide awakening…”

    Hmmm…let’s see…might it be that perhaps it’s because evangelicals are not getting that message from their pastors???

    Perhaps, instead of sniping at Glenn, his critics should remember the adage “we can accomplish much if we do not worry about who gets the credit”.

  57. leo nash on August 30, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    money money money>>>and more $$$$$$$>>>give him money money money

  58. Sarah on August 30, 2010 at 4:50 pm

    I am most shocked by the comments from christians who keep referring to Beck as the ‘unworthy’, ‘weak’ vessel that God has chosen to use for some odd reason. And think in the same breath they are supportive of the message.

    Maybe we all could slow down a bit and realize that maybe God is using him for some other reason! Maybe because he IS worthy, maybe because he HAS turned his will over and been where he should be, doing what he should be doing and now he is very capable of being an instrument in God’s hands.

    You good christians somehow miss the fact that your very words toward his beliefs – his worthiness or unworthiness, his status as christian or “needing to see the light”, his being ordained to preach or not – are hateful and divisive all by themselves – yet you profess to follow God, that you seek unity in the country and agree with our founding fathers – and even proclaim that Glenn’s message is OF God?!

    How dare we think ourselves the judges over whether someone else is ‘christian’ or not. We are not the judge. God is. Clearly Beck believes in God and does his best to follow him…and clearly, God finds Beck’s hands as worthy tools to do his great work.

    God calls men to do his work. Glenn does not need ‘permission’ from MEN to do God’s work.

    It was powerful to see so many clear minded clergy link arm and arm and sing amazing grace. And how powerful it was for Glenn to turn to them and recognize that they may not agree on fundamentals…but they all agree on one thing; that God is the answer.

    I hope we can find unity in that!!

    “By their fruits ye may know them.”

    Most sincerely,
    A concerned but hopeful christian

  59. Daniel Rice on August 30, 2010 at 4:50 pm


    Clearly you DO want to stir things up, contrary to your apparent pretenses not to. This is evidenced by the fact that you clearly have never watched or listened to Beck. I listen and watch all the time and I have NEVER heard him say he was “the leader of a nationwide Judeo-Christian revival”. I will not say he never has said this, (you can’t disprove a negative after all) but I will say I have NEVER heard this said by him. I actually HAVE heard him say to research and study things for yourself and he HAS said “do not take my word for it” find out the truth on your own.

    The second thing I must argue with you on is I have never heard him mention anything about his being “Mormon”. I only found out he was a member of the LDS church when I researched Beck on my own, independent of his shows and webites.

    For your information the correct term is LDS. Mormon is the name of the book and an antiquated name for the church. A name that anti-LDS people throw out to try to degrade members of the LDS church. This is evidenced by the fact that you ask, “Will those Americans who profess the Christian faith think twice about following a Mormon back to God?” Really? Are you aware that members of the LDS church ARE Christians? If you do not know this, then you owe the readers of American Majority an apology AND retraction. (By the way I am not LDS, but have studied the church quite a bit. They are Christian without a doubt.) If you do not know that LDS is Christian then you really need to do a little more research before you write such a flawed piece as this. Or you could just go work for mainstream media i.e. CBS, ABC, New York Times who chose to write hit pieces like this a standard practice.

    Finally sir, you ask “will Glenn Beck set the record straight, discounting any ascribed role as a spiritual leader, Judeo-Christian revivalist, or any such position of de facto authority? In other words, will he tell his audience that he is nothing more than a radio and television personality?” I have again, NEVER heard him say or even imply this. If you can point to an instance than please publish this to back up your allegation, otherwise retract it.

  60. Diana Brooks on August 30, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    If you have ever listened to Glenn Beck, then you know that he has said numerous times that he is a radio personality and an entertainer. He is also a father and a follower of GOD. Why should it matter what denomination he is? He is not telling everyone to follow the Mormon Bible or to follow him, just to follow God and what He has written.

    If you weren’t there, how can you question? If you don’t listen to him on a regular basis, how can you know who he is?

  61. Timothy Jones on August 30, 2010 at 4:59 pm

    I’ve listened to and watched beck since around 2001 and I got nothing but respect for the man. I understand that Mr. college student Eric Josephsen is no doubt doing the best he can but who is the editor for this site?

    “First, will Glenn Beck set the record straight, discounting any ascribed role as a spiritual leader, Judeo-Christian revivalist, or any such position of de facto authority? In other words, will he tell his audience that he is nothing more than a radio and television personality?”

    Have you never watched or listened to his show? I have never heard him claim to be or state that he wished to be in any position. Although I have heard him say many many times on air that he did not want to be doing what so-called journalists (what you are supposed to be I guess) should be doing. Seeking the truth, reporting the truth, asking tough questions that need answering. I’ve heard him say to his audience countless times to not take his or anyone’s word for it, to research things themselves instead of blindly following others. I’ve also heard him say he’s merely an entertainer, a radio/television personality. So, Mr. college student, it is very clear to those in his audience who have taken his advice that you have no idea in hell what you’re talking about. You should be ashamed for writing such wishy-washy huffington post-ish trash about one of the few decent people left in a dead, untrustworthy and hollow media. Oh and one more thing.

    “Rather, I am interested in the thoughts of the AM readers on Glenn Beck’s role in restoring honor and integrity to American society. Here at AM, we talk often about bringing honesty and accountability back to our political culture, but such values must first be cultivated in the lives of individuals.”

    Well junior, my thoughts are as follows: glenn beck is an American, he’s a dad, he wants to leave his kids a strong and free country to grow up in. I can relate to that, glenn and I have that in common. Beck has talked for months about how the answers to our problems will never be found in politics, but rather in our own homes, lives and hearts. I totally agree with that. So who has done more than simply talked about these things? Have you or “AM” staged any rallies or anything lately with hundreds of thousands of people in attendance? If you don’t think beck is doing a good enough job of getting America more honorable, why don’t you or “AM” step up and do it better?

  62. James Roberts on August 30, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    I belive in GOD ,But when it comes to religion ,It’s one MANS opion agaist another man,NOT GODS,At least hes got guts enough to stand up for what he belives in

  63. Pat Holland on August 30, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    The Founding Fathers were men of God in that they believed in him, and called upon him to help them in the task they had ahead to declare their independence and create a country of religious liberty and freedom for all. Glenn honors them. Glenn Beck has the faith, the ability, the passion, and the resources to effectively motivate people to move toward God and the spiritual things that bring joy and happiness into their lives.

  64. Sean Thompson on August 30, 2010 at 5:13 pm

    I think Van hit nail right on the head. When the founding fathers wrote the constitution thier was christians from all denominations. Who cares if the patriot leading the charge is a Mormon, or a Baptist or whatever as long as God is honored and it is all about God. Quite honestly it is not about Glenn Beck it is about honoring God, and restoring honor and integrity to this great country.

  65. Donna Dunleavy on August 30, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    My daughter and I went to the Restore Honor Rally. The fact that Glen Beck is a Mormon should not be the issue here. He has been saying for months that God is the answer to the problems that we are facing. And he is right !!! Why would pastors be upset with THAT message? He talked about so many things… HONOR, INTEGRITY, INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILTY, He reiterated the words of Martin Luther King,Jr. that a man should be “judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
    This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Throughout Washington, DC there are monuments and buildings of every shape and size imaginable. Many if not most of them have quotes from scripture. I find it ironic that Alabama had to cover and then remove the 10 commandments from the courthouse yet those same words are carved into the wall at the Supreme Court building. “Praise be to God” is on top of the Washington Monument.. The Founding Fathers looked to God for guidance as they tried to start this new nation. They knew that they could not do it alone… They had their own disagreements … but in the end they believed what they were doing was right and to quote ” with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
    I wonder what the Founding Fathers would say if they could see us now…!!!

  66. Cheryl on August 30, 2010 at 5:20 pm

    I agree with Van. I have traveled the religious road from Catholic to Mormon to born again Believer in the Way, the Truth, and the Life. While I recognize the many theological issues dividing Mormonism and Biblical Christianity, while listening to and watching Glenn Beck’s radio and tv show, I appreciate his love for history and how important it is to learn from it, as well as his encouragement for us all to seek God and to restore some core fundamental values to this country (faith, hope, charity!). Out of all the conservative hosts I listen to, I think Glenn Beck has been one of the most courageous in encouraging people to seek God for the answers plaguing this country today. God has already richly blessed this country; we have totally taken it for granted and become apathetic. Our prayer now should be: God have mercy on this country!

  67. Donna Dunleavy on August 30, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    Leo. obviously you were not there or cared to listen to Glen’s remarks… or anyone elses.. The $$$$ that was raised after expenses went to SOWF – Special Operations Warrior Foundation. …

  68. Virginia on August 30, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    I think the author missed the point. A whole bunch of people gathered to do good. Led by a good man. “By their fruits ye shall know them.”

  69. Douglas Welch on August 30, 2010 at 5:37 pm

    Mormonism is the basis of christianity. I did not know that Glen Beck is Morman.Now that I know;I will iisten to what he has to say more carefully.

  70. Jen on August 30, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    The message I got from watching Glen Beck’s rally was an urgent need for those of us in this country who either moved away from religion and/or God as their foundation or never had it at all in their lives (like me) to go get it back in their lives. My parents grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and over time grew to dislike their religion, so they dropped out of it. Which caused me (who was raised in the 70’s and 80’s) to have never experienced church, never read the bible and had no idea (until a few years ago) how our Constitution was written and by who – and what it all really meant. There are probably millions of people just like me – people who have no foundation, no faith, nothing concrete to guide me through lifes trials. So what happens? I find myself searching for spiritual guidance “somewhere”. Glenn Becks message to those of us who have strayed or gotten lost to go BACK to those basic principles and morals taught in the bible and in many other religions. The message to me was; when the country does not have common moral ground or common values, then we fall apart. And that is what is happening to this country. Glen Beck’s rally was just a “nudge” in the right direction – he’s nudging us to go out and find the truth and to go back to “what works”. I wouldn’t look to HIM for guidance, he’s just a personality who happens to be correct. Churches of all faiths should hopefully start seeing an influx of new members. And since I do not have a religion, I guess I need to figure out what my parents “used” to be and start from there. Getting a bible in the house may be step #1.

  71. Joy Evans on August 30, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    Glenn Beck is not and has never professed to want to be placed in a role as a spiritual leader. In fact, he has repeatedly stated that he is not worthy of such a role. He has plainly stated that it is important for each of us to be involved in transforming our nation. He has reached out to leaders of all religions to unit to bring our country back to it’s roots. He had numerous religious leaders from many different religions at the really. He is pleading for the American people to unit – putting aside color of skin, heritage, and religious denomination – for the good of our nation.

    I listen to his rally on C-span and I watched via live stream his program at the Kennedy Center on Friday night. I am a Christian (Church of Christ), for the life of me I can not understand how anyone could question his words on Saturday. Personally, I am glad somebody has the gutts to stand up and say what he said. Many of us sit in chuch listening to mealy mouthed peachers who don’t have the guts to live what they preach from the pulpit.

  72. Douglas Welch on August 30, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    Mormonism is the basis of Cristianity.I did not know that Clen Beck is Mormon. Now that I do, I will listen to him more carefully.

  73. Michael Hauser on August 30, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    I think Beck is a flake…similar to Limbaugh. I can’t help but think he has an agenda of sorts….what he says has no real substance…more or less…smoke and mirrors. He’s a good speaker…he is intelligent in some ways….but I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. The same goes for Palin…she’s great to look at…but as a leader in politics…NO WAY! I’m not a liberal, nor am I a Republican…I just call it like I see it. I didn’t vote for Obama…or McCain…both were losers as far as I’m concerned. Ron Paul is my only choice…the only politician I could trust.

  74. Winston on Truth on August 30, 2010 at 6:24 pm

    This article is absolutely accurate as to well intentioned Christians being led astray by a member of a religious cult. But it doesn’t surprise me because the Bible tells us “in the end times even the elect will be deceived and fall away” and “do not be man-followers”. Another post hits the nail on the head as well by saying “…perhaps it’s because evangelicals are not getting that message from their pastors..”. It is true that many church pastors are lazy and teach topical messages and do not preach/teach Biblical truths by teaching the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter, word by word, and thought by thought. Many professed Christians are in name only and are quick to chase after a man or woman – not the true God and Jesus of the Bible. Funny thing than several posts state a similar message with “the common denominator is God”… yes, but which god? Mormons create their own gods and even state that the god of today is not the god of yesterday or tomorrow. Their church leaders say that their god is in power as long as they approve. They also teach that their Jesus is “the brother of Lucifer”…. hmmm, but the Bible clearly tells us that Lucifer was a created angel and was thrown out of heaven for leading a rebellion with other angels to try and overthrow GOD. For those of you willing to accept being led by a Mormon or a Muslim, you should step back and question your own strength of faith and not be deceived as being a lemming ready to follow a man into the ocean of spiritual death.

  75. virginia on August 30, 2010 at 6:32 pm

    God bless Glenn Beck for having the courage to do this.

  76. Scott O. Smith on August 30, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    Just a few observations:

    First, I think Glenn would agree with the pastor that said, “America needs the biblical, historical Gospel of Jesus, not the gospel of Beck.” I also think that was a major underlying theme of Glenn’s rally.

    Second, the correct title of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The ONLY “fundamental” difference between Latter-day Saints and other Christian sects is the question of founding. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claims that the gospel was restored through Joseph Smith Jr. beginning in 1820 after a period of time when the gospel was not on the earth in its fullness. Other Christian sects were reformed from the Catholic church who claimed to have received the priesthood directly from Peter.

    Third, I am certain that Glenn is at least an ordained Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    Fourth, You would be better served writing from a position of knowledge rather than misinformation. Your lack of knowledge of Glenn’s background and the church to which he belongs seriously limits your capacity for objectivity. Additionally, your disclaimer, “To be clear, I do not advocate an out-and-out dismissal of Beck’s message. Rather, I urge all of his listeners to think freely and independently about the credence and respect they give to his opinions” suggests that you may have already decided and are simply baiting an argument.

  77. Don Watson on August 30, 2010 at 7:10 pm

    Hey Eric Josephsen, you should write an article about Obama’s faith. At the very least if you have good sense you would agree with and promote Glen’s principals and if not then AM should either side with your position or disagree with it. It would be very easy for me to leave following AM.

  78. Eva Bickhart on August 30, 2010 at 9:24 pm

    I read the comments and am saddened that people have to make such an issue of doctrinal beliefs. Beck’s message is turn to God through Jesus Christ. Every individual is responsible for this action. It is not the church that saves you and is not the church we worship. Glen Beck is being used by God to wake America up to their need. Why turn away from him? He is not telling us to turn TO him but to God. It was religious leaders who cried “crucify Him” when they rejected Jesus and stirred up the mob to echo their hate. Let’s don’t repeat that action again. We need a voice to unite us as one body of Christians if we are going to stand in this crisis.

  79. Keith Majeroni on August 30, 2010 at 7:28 pm

    In response to “However, the reaction of many American Christians has been interestingly forgiving of the theological – nay, fundamental – divide between the Christian church and the Church of Latter Day Saints.”

    Are you not missing the point? Why must there be a divide? I say there is not. We all believe in one god, so let’s focus on that common view to rally against the darkness falling upon our country. Unity and truth is the only way to fight this evil. More division will only lead to victory for the side of godless culture and evil.

  80. jim on August 30, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    i dont know or have heard enough of glenn beck tobe able to decide what he is trying to do other than incite people to come back to the christain roots this country was founded upon. if he can do that, more power to him. only time will tell how he handles this, if he becomes or tries to become a self appointed “messiah” or allows people to make him one, then he will have a whole new set of problems to deal with and his so called revival will be short lived.but if he is simply a man following god’s will to restore this christian based nation then he will remain humble and the nation will all the better for it.

  81. V, Ann Hester on August 30, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    The fact that Glen Beck is a Mormon and a TV and radio personality is not the important issue here. Neither is your somewhat slanted article. He spoke the truth and I admire his courage. This is the important issue.

  82. David Huff on August 30, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    At least Beck is being positive, and not promoting hate doctrine. America needs to wake up and realize our government officials who back Islamic terrorism ways are so out of it. Our forefathers would come back from the dead and ALL give Congress and Polosi a good head thumping!

  83. Leon McClure on August 30, 2010 at 8:27 pm

    Glenn is both a skilled cultural commentator with some good, helpful ideas and someone worth looking to for spiritual or moral encouragement and guidance.

    He is not trying to crown himself leader of a new theocracy or God squad. He is trying to fight the secularism that is destroying this country. He happens to believe the only way to do that and I agree is to get back to the Judeo/Christian vaules that made this the greatest country in the history of the world. That saved this world from monsters like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Hirohito. Without this with out those Judeo Christian values we would all be slaves and dead.

  84. Ron Murphy on August 30, 2010 at 8:36 pm

    Does it really matter? who ? Beck stood and delivered…END OF SUBJECT. Thank You Glen….

  85. Christian Goodlove on August 30, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    Glenn has been courageous and humble enough to allow himself to be used as a conduit
    for God’s Will. He has reminded us of the importance of following God so that we may leave a legacy of Love and Goodness to our children.

  86. Jerry Harmomn on August 30, 2010 at 9:16 pm

    Hope you are exactly right. Unless people of faith stop arguing over who has the right answer to all the questions and realize demoninations of any kind are man made. God is not a babtist, mormon, Holiness, or any of the others. He is GOD simple and period. The christians need to stop worrying about having the answers, learn enough intelligenct to be a little open minded, and start uniting if there is ANY HOPE of this country being restored. The stupid egos need to be dropped and we need to try to achieve spiritual growth not religious arguments.

  87. Don Henry on August 30, 2010 at 9:32 pm

    I am a Christian. I believe only in the gospel of Jesus Christ as “the power of God unto salvation” for all men. Beck has already stated in a most humble way that “I am nothing more than an entertainer.” That being said, I can understand that many Christian pastors believe, and correctly so, that our hope is built on “nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness”. Are the two messages incompatible? I don’t think so. Beck is trying to persuade Americans that our future security lies not in political strength, but moral strength based on a personal relationship, ergo faith, in God. In my humble opinion, he is urging us to re-connect with God. My only hope is that America’s pastors will be there with truth in hand as the people respond.

  88. Evan Kraus on August 30, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    I wonder how this rally would have been viewed if it had been led by say, a Muslim. Muslims, like Mormons, use Christianity as a jumping off point and believe in one God.
    That being said, I think most of the people commenting here would not have gone to this rally if Beck was a muslim. Even if the message was exactly the same, many of you would be disagreeing with it because of that background.

    My point is this though. As an evangelical Christian, I would not rally around a Muslim trying to restore America to it’s God-centered founding, and I will not rally around a Mormon for the same reason. Because they are not focusing on the one true God.

  89. Matt on August 30, 2010 at 10:50 pm

    just a thought… In Ned Ryun’s podcast Days Of Revolution Episode 5, there is the portion regarding George Whitfield and the great awakening that conditioned people to be willing for and believe in the need for independence from an oppressive govt. not sure exactly what the parallels are but it strikes me that there are some. Also I wonder if Whitfield was “ordained”.

    Also someone in a prior comment said that Christians aren’t supposed to judge which is wrong but, rather judge not that ye be judged and with what judgement you use you be judged by…
    very different.

  90. Connie Bolton on August 31, 2010 at 1:56 am

    I attended the rally. It was great. We watch Mr Beck and appreciate the fact that he has been attempting to re-educate us with our History, for many just plain educate ! Most government schools do not teach our real History. Our Christian roots. Our laws that were based on Christian Principles. Freedom can only come from laws that have that as a foundation.
    If you want to tune in on Founders Fridays and learn about Washington or Adams or Jefferson. Or our African American Hero’s that fought side by side with Washington and died in the fields with their white counter parts. Giving their all for their country. That is Glen Beck! A man who loves his country. And wants you to know the truth about who we are.
    And seeing Socialism which kills freedom, moving like a tsunami at our country, he was compelled to sound the alarm. And like those before him, most whistle blowers are persecuted, even threatened.
    He does not deem himself a Billy Graham or a George Whitefield. There was no talk of conversion. He simply stated, we need to get back to God. And that you should go to your church. On stage he had 240 pastors, priests, clerics, teachers, rabbis, and I think an Imam. They linked arms and stood behind him. Each 240 represented denominations and each represented 180 million people.There was a native American there also praying. Not Mormons. He told them basically to go to the church of their choice and pray for our country. Churches that do not preach hate.
    If you go to you will find his speech right there, and you can judge for yourself what kind of man he is!
    I don’t believe Mr beck is considering himself a spiritual leader. He says he’s a tv entertainer. Ü

  91. Jim Goldman on August 31, 2010 at 1:57 am

    I encourage everyone to read Washington’s farewell address. In it he states that this country cannot survive unless we have morality and religion and that you can not have morality without religion and you cannot have religion without morality.

    This is the simple message that Glenn was expressing. For evangelical pastors to reject the message simply because Glenn is a Mormon, is rediculous and goes against the values of the founding fathers.


    You have made the mistake that many college students make (I am a college student also) and that is that we tend to make thing more complicated that it needs to be. Sometimes a bannana is just a bannana.

    Glenn Beck is just who he says he is. A man who overcame drugs and booze addictions, he is a father who is learning how to be a father (it is a never ending process) and he is an American with a deep seeded love of his country.

    Keep it simple.

  92. Mscolleen2003 on August 31, 2010 at 4:55 am

    Try to stay focused, it does not matter what leads us back to our roots as long as we get there. Beck is not trying to convert, he is not trying to lead…he is just giving direction.

  93. millie seifert on August 31, 2010 at 3:54 am

    I am a Baptist and a christian,
    I am so proud that Glen Beck has the same belief as i do.
    We have to put God back in our nation !
    And as far as pastors not going on TV and saying the same thing that Glen said….You would find some that would have a negative
    response . Glen Beck is not trying to turn any one to be a mormom.
    I have never heard a word or a suggestion that has ever said that would suggest it.
    I Love Glen Beck, and am Thankful that He has said, what i have said, We Must Put God First and Back into our Nation !
    Thanks, Glen ! Keep the Word out there ! We need to hear it every day.

  94. John C on August 31, 2010 at 4:27 am

    This was a good, clean, and entertaining day. If you were not there please do not waste your time analyzing and “Stirring the Pot”. It is time we stop over analyzing everything and get back to the basic teachings of the golden rule (Do onto to others as you would have others do on to you). We have become a society that cannot take anyone or anything at face value. We have become so clouded in distrust that we regularly miss the blessings in life. Sometimes we just have to trust and believe that God will be there for us if we open our hearts and souls and let him in. For the record, you do not have to be an ordained clergyman or woman to preach God’s word. So stop over analyzing and accept the gift we received on 8/28.

  95. Redd on August 31, 2010 at 5:00 am

    what did he deliver Thank The LORD i did not fall into becks trap

  96. rachel on August 31, 2010 at 5:02 am

    You weren’t there, you didnt’ hear ALL the speakers & you’re missing the point. He said what we as American people of FAITH need to hear. You speak of what you do not know and show your ignorance to those who were THERE.

    We’ll get to the goal getting around you. No Problem.

  97. valerie davis on August 31, 2010 at 8:13 am

    The message of Glenn Beck;


    The message of The Bible


    Truth spoken from any source is still Truth

    God bless Glenn Beck for having the courage to call a gathering and to stand
    before millions and call America to repentance

    May his voice continue to be heard ” as one crying in the wilderness” as was
    John The Baptist

    Methodist , Lutheran, Baptist , Catholic, LDS, SDA and FOX,, God will use whoever
    is willing to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and call us all to come to Him

    –last comment from this Southern Baptist :—-GO GLENN ! AS GOD GUIDES YOU ,,,,

  98. Jerry Wallace on August 31, 2010 at 6:45 am

    I am a Conservative Roman Catholic who appreciates Glen’s message.Please remember that The Lord ,and The Lord alone ,chooses those whom HE wants to deliver his message.Take the message for what it was……a call to return to God and country…….not a secret call to Beck and Mormonism.

  99. Eva Brubaker on August 31, 2010 at 6:53 am


  100. Susi on August 31, 2010 at 7:41 am

    LDS or Mormon is a Christian Faith as is Methodist, Baptist,other Protestant Faiths, Catholic, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Amish, Mennonite, Jehovah’s Witness. All Christians believe in the message of the Cross. There are some differences between the Churches but we are believe in the same Jesus Christ!!!! no I am not LDS, I am Methodist.

  101. Sylvia on August 31, 2010 at 8:16 am

    I’m sorry, but I kind of lost interest in Glenn when he started getting so “preachy”. I, too, am a believer, and I’m aware that our nation was founded on Christian principles, however, I get very nervous when I hear more of a sermon than a political speech. It’s really moot what I think about Mormonism, the denomination isn’t important, I would feel just as nervous with any other ‘believer’ rending the same ‘sermons’ that I hear from Glenn.
    If he could seperate the two, and maybe even publish a series of CD’s from his religious perspective, I would be interested in purchasing and listening to him outside of the polical realm.
    A Religio-Political message from anyone makes me nervous, but I still listen to him often, and I still love him for what he espouses to do to bring us back to the America of yesteryear, that so many of us so desperately want back. God and Country, Law and Order is the motto that our Country should live by.

  102. Jefferson Sweet on August 31, 2010 at 8:54 am

    Glenn Beck and Jim Wallis Are Both Pushing Social Justice and an Earthly Kingdom

  103. Gary on August 31, 2010 at 8:58 am

    I think you miss the point. It is the people that are tired of the Government, the socialistic/marsist direction this country is being forced into. Mr Becks message of christian unity and values are needed to stop the penetration of muslim values into our gov.

  104. Brannon Howse on August 31, 2010 at 8:58 am

    Glenn Beck and Jim Wallis Are Both Pushing Social Justice and an Earthly Kingdom

  105. Eric Josephsen on August 31, 2010 at 9:05 am

    Those who compare Beck to John the Baptist or call him a “voice calling out in the wilderness” (quoting Isaiah) tend to prove my original point. There are those who view Beck as a force for a revival of faith. The question is, what has changed over the past few decades to make evangelical Christians so accommodating of a faith of which they have traditionally disapproved? In all likelihood, if this rally were held twenty years ago, Beck would not have had nearly the audience he had this weekend. So what has changed?

  106. Joe Schmeister on August 31, 2010 at 9:45 am

    It does not matter if Mr. Beck is ordainded or unordained by man’s standard. Nor does it matter his denomination. Anyone called to united a nation under God has been ordained by God and should be taken seriously.
    The critics today will out number the messengers and should be disregarded, though it will be difficult to get though the haze of doubt. Let Mr. Beck speak and let those with ears hear.

  107. Ruby Lewis on August 31, 2010 at 11:52 am

    Glenn Beck is only simply a man like the rest of us. However, He is not asking us to follow him; is simply a man whose faith in God, the Creator and Ruler of the universe, has given him the courage to stand up and point us to “The Truth and the Way.”
    god is not interested in denominations. God is interested in having people becoming willing to follow Him, and promises to heal our land if we turn to Him. Let me pose a question? We talk about ethics but where do we get a basis or by what or whose thinking are ethics established? I say if we follow the humanistic way we either go with every wind that blows or whatever might happen to be the “Cultural flavor of the month.” What happen then? Pleasure seeking, selfish greed, and chaos!!! God gives us the foundation for the Bibilical Ethics on which our country and our constitution is based. Glen Beck is simply pointing the way to the Light and the road of Faith and Prayer that will keep us free, and will heal our land.

  108. PJ on August 31, 2010 at 9:56 am

    I think in the political realm, it’s perfectly ok to invite people to return to God and honor the founding principles of our country.

    I think the Restoring Honor Rally was pretty much all inclusive of all religions, but acknowledging that our founders and Constitution and laws are based on the Bible, not the koran or any other religious writings. Therefore, Beck encouraging people to come back to God in order to be free and honorable citizens of a free and honorable society is perfectly fine with me. I don’t see him as a spiritual leader, but rather as a seeker of God. The fact that he is a Morman doesn’t bother me, because I have heard him acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Redeemer. And who knows…all of the “mainstream” Christians that he interacts with may very well be influencing him spiritually.

  109. Misty Morrison on August 31, 2010 at 10:01 am

    I believe from the Word of God when He says, “Psalms 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” If the born again Christians do not repent & turn away from their sins & stop believing the lies that a lost world is telling us, as separation of church & state, and start fighting for the country that the Lord God of heaven & earth has given us, the politicians (who have one goal) will continue to gain more control over thing that they shouldn’t be controlling. My main concern is that people open their eyes & see that there are two religions in this world Christianity(Jesus died for my sins & 3days later rose to fix my broken relationship with God the Father) & Humanism (what man thinks is right). Search history & see which one has worked. If we want to see change, then we need to change our heart attitudes & views about what we think is right, because so far man thoughts has failed, but seek the old ways in how this country was run & start believing that the Almighty God is smarter than we are & knows what works, and He does, He wrote a whole book and told us how and even allow it to be translated into our own language. It’s called the
    King James Bible. The outline on the “dos” and “don’ts” of life. The men of old was smart enough to know if God was put first above their desires then they would fail as the country and rule they were trying to get away from. May our nation become that which it use to be, “A Christian Nation!”

  110. Doug Cox on August 31, 2010 at 10:22 am

    It seems to me, that alot of people that posted here don’t listen to Glenn Beck. The 8/28 event was not about politics OR a specific faith or religion. There were leaders of All religioins in attendance. This event was about faith, personal responsability, and the principals that this country was founded on. I have never gotten the impression that Beck is trying to recruit anyone into his religion. I was at the event, very uplifting and encouraging. I wish everyone of faith could have been there.

  111. Pat Hilty on August 31, 2010 at 10:24 am

    A positive message by anyone is what We the People want to hear. The evidence is the number of attendees. The Black Robe Brigade of 240 clergymen of all different faiths were standing right behind Glenn Beck and the other speakers obviously giving their approval of the message. The ceremony was a class act. The message was clear and the attendees will return to their communities and spread the word by participating in the political process led by We the People as is written in the US Constitution. It is irrelevant what negative words are expressed. Those people are very mistaken and soon they will realize the error of their ways.

  112. Michael Anesin on August 31, 2010 at 10:48 am

    You do not have to me a Mormon to be a Christain, Mr Beck was not tring to get people to become mormons, and if that is what you believe you missed alot. Get back to God, and God Bless America, that’s what it was about, Give thanks to God, get behind God, and be a good person.

  113. Edward on August 31, 2010 at 11:14 am

    The principles of the Almighty God are not a respecter of persons. It is not about religion or politics… It’s about absolute truth! The principles in the unseen that control the seen… which are spiritual and can only be spiritually discerned. Gravity does not care who jumps off the building… they’re all going to end up with the same result. Has nothing to do with skin color, religion or geographical location. The same principles that can lead to life and life abundantly can also lead to death (complete destruction) in relation to ones level of awareness and whether or not they choose to live in line with the principles or not. God controls the heart of the leader (Proverbs 21:1), whether saved or unsaved so, when you can discern the absolute truth coming out of a mans essence… embrace it with your soul for what it is (TRUTH) and exclude the exterior surface concerns. It’s all about moving forward, upward, away, from and to… towards what’s much more beneficial to all!… In line with our infinite thinker’s ways. Jesus was neither religious nor political… He was a speaker and an exhibitor of Truth.

  114. Denise on August 31, 2010 at 11:27 am

    Thanks for the opportunity to call it as I see it. Glenn Beck did something on 8/28/10 that I have believed someone who had the ability to reach the masses needed to do for many decades. As a Christian I believe the different denominations need to put their “rules/differences” aside and come together as Christians/Children of God. I realize that there are different thoughts on who is real and who is not but if we put that aside long enough to come together to reach out to others and battle against the elements of evil on earth we might actually get somewhere. What Glenn did was try to be inclusive of all faiths instead of shunning some in hopes of bringing this Country to its knees in Prayer. No matter the name on the building we use for our Religious services we are all seeking our God. I won’t use this to put my personal beliefs, but if we could all come together and put our best efforts forth maybe we can get the U.S of A back on the path God intended.

  115. Burton Fox on August 31, 2010 at 11:38 am

    If christians are going to disbeleive that Glenn Beck is of God,then they must also believe that they must trust in our creator, God, Son and Holy Spirit to be our source of msustaining a proper way of life in this country. At the present time, too many christians are invoking Lordship on President Obama, and the resul is they are supporting the Muslim religion, that according to the Koran we christians are their enemy because we do not believe s they do, so they must KILL us to honor their god, Allah. Christians, God is our source and we must begin to teach faith in him, preach against sin, and LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

  116. Brian Bohn on August 31, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    The church for first 250 years held sway the culture by controling the institutions.This is no longer the case.To follow after the teachings of Christ is a voluntary act.We have now a large population of pagan athiest who could care less about their creater and they are living that out.

  117. Dr. Jay on August 31, 2010 at 12:10 pm

    I think your post begs the question “What God are we supposed to (re)turn to?”.

    I suspect that by being vague about what God Beck is calling us to he leaves it up to his listeners to fill in the blank – so they all assume that it’s their God he’s talking about and so they continue to jump on board. More listeners for Beck! Where as if he actually got specific about what kind of God it was and what this God wants of us, he’d arouse listeners ire and he’d lose listeners. While there are as many images of God as there are people in the world here are two possibilities.

    The tribal God of America that loves whiter Christian conservatives and loathes (or at least disregards) communists, socialists, marxists, darker people (be they black, brown, native american, asian, or middle-eastern), gays, muslims, ‘new’ immigrants, the French, and expects the poor to ‘take responsibility’ for their situation? Is it a God that supports America regardless of the morality of it’s national behavior – be it support for totalitarian regimes because it benefits us (Saddam Hussein, and MANY others), torture, and war for oil (or are we liberating muslims who we don’t want to worship in our country, hmm)?

    Or is it Jesus? A suffering servant. A man who loved the poor and despised – the tax collector (aka the IRS only a thousand times worse), the prostitute (inherently a destitute woman who sells her body to eat and most likely commits infanticide and/or abortion as a regular part of her work), the Samaritan woman (the ethnic and religious minority the Israelites felt were inferior and didn’t deserve to dwell in their land). Jesus who told the rich man to sell everything he has and give it to the poor and then follow him (aka become poor and homeless with Me). The man who’s primary activity was healing (giving away health care to any who had need regardless of ability to pay). The man who so refused to involve himself in politics (in particular the peoples’ desire to rebel against the decadent totalitarian pagan occupiers so they could return to the good old days of One Nation Under One God) to the disappointment of his own people who then gladly cheered for his execution at the hands of the Romans. The Jesus who taught that it wasn’t how righteous you looked but how much you loved that mattered.

    I hope it’s the later and not the former. But by being vague Mr. Beck challenges no one’s view of God. And that’s like no Biblical prophet I’ve ever studied. That’s politics and popularity.

    II Timothy 4:2-5 – Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you [Timothy] be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

  118. Paula FranceMarrone on August 31, 2010 at 12:25 pm

    If America doesn’t bring God back into this society, we will sink and die. It’s in the Bible. Read and study it and you will see the truth. NO PEACE OR HOPE IN ANYONE BUT OUR LORD.

  119. Diane Watson on August 31, 2010 at 12:39 pm

    I have heard from David Barton that the greatest thing about some of our founders, they would pray with anyone. I am not a Mormon and Glenn doesn’t talk about his religion that much. He talks about God and that only He has the answers we need. He and David Barton have had many TV shows together sharing our founders faith, including black preachers like Pastor Hoossier. This has been the problem through time, wanting people to be just like you. I belonged to one of those churches in the past and believe there was no joy or happiness, just judging others. That is God’s job, mine is to share Him with others and be as Christ Like as possible. You all will have some surprises in heaven.

  120. Rick Albertson on August 31, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    Glenns message was right to the point.Morals is what this country’s lost! With the church’s going along with this “politically correct”crap,and there approval of pro choice,same sex marriage,and a myriad of other liberal agendas, it’s no wonder the people have lost faith in the church and the goverment! Obama and his antiAmericanism is actually a good motivator to get the American people on the right path.He may claim to be a christian,but his actions smack of muslim and socialism all the way! Fool me once shame on you,fool me twice shame on me!For the clergy to comment Jesus says it best: Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own? May God Bless America

  121. Patricia on August 31, 2010 at 12:55 pm

    was this the beginning of a One World Religion? I pray not…

  122. Pia Connors on August 31, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    Glenn beck is not emphasizing his role, but out role, each of us individually. THe criticism reminds me of the old saying: You can accomplish a lot if you don’t care who gets the credit. THose who take their eyes off the message are dividers, and we need unity and charity, THe rally is a call for out nation to repent and Beck is very much a modern Jeremiah. THose who speak of “Becks gospel” as opposed to Christ’s gospel, I cannot agree with’ what part of hope, faith, charity, honor, liberty is not part of Christ’s gospel? All the criticism can do is weaken the resolve to return to honor. Beck is to be commended for his personal courage and dedication in reaching out to all people of f Judeo-Chrsitian faith!

  123. Jan Fischer on August 31, 2010 at 1:21 pm

    let me be clear 🙂
    I believe Gelen Beck has been called by God to stir up the people of God at such time as this.
    His message is simple: WAKE UP and HEAR what is being said.
    Search for yourself and find the Truth…then stand up and be counted.
    This is not a denominational thing nor is it really a political thing. It is a matter of VALUES.
    Wake up and Listen to the Spriit within …let Him guide you into all Truth and follow in the way that He leads.
    Our purpose here is to have Life and have it abundantly.
    We the people, ARE the government in this great country.

  124. Caroline Volle on August 31, 2010 at 3:12 pm

    Sad that Glenn Beck has to step up to the plate because our pulpits are silent on the dangers that face our nation. Shame on the born-again, fundamental pastors that should have been preaching on this all along, raising up God-Honoring patriots to stand for God’s principles in government and in the public square all along. We wouldn’t be in the mess we are in now, if only they had. They have failed us.

    Thank God, someone is calling them back to the battle for the soul of America, for the sake of the souls of America. This should be a wake-up call for fundamental, born-again pastors. If you are not willing to step up to the plate to lead, don’t be surprised to find that others will.

    There will always be someone to fill the gaping hole with their agenda. Satan has an agenda…he’s more than happy that pastors are silent and the people lulled into passive submission to the God-abolishing liberal Marxists.

    But God has an agenda too. Millions of Christians are waking up and are being called to get back to God’s agenda, thanks to Glenn Beck. Isn’t it sad that Glenn Beck has to be the one to call our nation back to God and our

    Judeo-Christian values… our Constitution based on God’s Ten Commandments? He is not a pastor, or a spiritual leader… he is more like a prophet crying in the wilderness. As an entertainer and commentator, he began to see things that began to change the course of his commentary. The more he learned, the more alarmed he became.

    At the same time, we watched as Glenn himself began to change, as he learned more and more truth and shared it with us. It got scary… he could have cut and run, but he didn’t. In the midst of exposing the corruption that he discovered in Washington, he realized the moral bankruptcy we, as a nation, have fallen into at every level of our society.

    At the same time, he began to study and share with the American people the lives of our Founding Fathers and our Founding Documents, that they were rooted in God and His principles. He drew people into his circle like David Barton and many Christian pastors and authors from around the country. Contrasts were drawn and politics began to be seen as the flip side of a society being removed from it’s foundation in God.

    In the face of the depth and pervasiveness of the moral deprivation he found in our present government, Glenn Beck came to the realization that the only answer to man’s depravity is God’s grace. Repent, America! Look within! Look up! Get back to God!

    Many will nit-pick and find fault with the messenger, but where are the pastors willing to stand and make the sacrifice that this man has made to turn our country back to the One True God of Abraham, and God’s Son, Jesus Christ, upon Whom our great nation was founded? Let the pastors stand up and stand in the gap, and I’m sure Glenn would gladly step aside. His life, and his family’s life, is in danger every day for his stand against evil and for God’s principles.

    I praise God for the Black Robe Brigade that is emerging for our day, and lend my small voice to the throng of Christians who ONLY WISH their pastor had the guts and leadership to join this courageous army of pastors.

    With pastors in the pulpit who only want to preach salvation, and get people saved so they can go to heaven, I ask you: Who will protect your right to preach the gospel when the God-haters and atheists have total control and limit your preaching the whole Gospel because you didn’t want to take any responsibility for our government and kept your congregations in the dark, not to offend the tithers.

    Wake up and get engaged! Christ did not just preach salvation! If that was all God wanted, He would not have given us the entire Bible. He also wants us to live Godly lives, which includes govening our families and civil lives in a way that brings honor and glory to God and His Godly principles. Shame on our puplits for their silence.

    Praise God, a remnant of Christians are emerging that want to Restore Honor to God in our country. Praise God for Glenn Beck, who stirred them up. In his quest for Truth, I pray his transformation will bring him through that narrow gate to a true salvation through the blood our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    If you are not a pastor, send it along to your pastor. I hope I’m wrong, but he probably hasn’t a clue what’s going on.

  125. Jim on August 31, 2010 at 4:44 pm

    To all those on the right critical of Glenn Beck because he is a Mormon, should reflect and remember that Paul was once Saul and killed christians. Paul’s vision of christianity was not the same as the other apostles. Glenn’s views of christianity may not be the same as yours, but it does not change the message, no more than it did when Paul converted.

  126. Tom on August 31, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    Say whatever you want about Beck but he had some advice I wish I could hear from Catholic pulpits, namely:
    “Pray on your knees. On your knees to acknowledge your submission to God. And leave your door open when you pray so that your children can see you praying on your knees”.
    My Dad always prayed on his knees and in our little house there was so little privacy that it was hard not to notice him. I’m 70 and because of his good example, I’ve always prayed on my knees before jumping into bed at night.

  127. Gwen on August 31, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    I have watched Glenn a long time–since CNN days. The more I watched and listened the more I liked him. I learn so much from him about history, politics, and being human. He’s funny sometimes and sometimes he is very sobering. I think he has been wonderful for the American people, and for the country during this time period, in the history of our country. He is very inspiring and encouraging. I don’t know a whole lot about the Mormon religion. But I know a Christian when I see one and listen to one. Glenn is a Christian. He believes in one God, the God of creation. He believes that Jesus was sent by God to die on the cross for OUR sins. He believes that the only way to the Father is through the Son. Anything else is RELIGION. He has a relationship with the Lord. Anyone can get up and pander to a crowd and to his public. But Glenn points away from himself and points back to God. My only concern is not with Glenn but with people..Christians or other. Be careful that you don’t elevate a man to the level of God. No one but His Son Jesus can stand next to God. The only worthy One. Don’t allow yourself to make Glenn an “idol”. That would be abhorrent to God, and I believe that it would be abhorrent to Glenn. Love him, trust him, listen to him, appreciate him and be thankful for him. Yes, even question him. But just remember he is a man, a human being with frailties and weaknesses as we all are. Thank you Glenn for a fabulous 9/28. I watched it on C-Span..I pray it will live on in our hearts and in our actions.

  128. steven bischoff on September 1, 2010 at 12:26 am

    i will attempt to set the record and a few of the commentators straight. ERIC, i believe glenn has ‘set HIS record straight” many times. obviously you are NOT an avid listener. anyone who regularly listens to glenn would know this. GOSPEL of BECK and GOSPEL of JESUS are one and the same! this preacher you quote eric, has never listened to beck either. mormans ARE christians eric. frankly,idont at all understand your position on glenn, your comments seem to oppose one another……….8/31jefferson sweet comments ”glenn supports social justice”. NO, sweet NEVER listened to glenn beck, he(glenn) emphatically, catagorically, opposes social jusice. …….8/31 eric, there you go again. ”evangelists disapproving of mormans” comment. what has changed eric is that there was 1 morman,6 rabbi’s, 7 imams, 27 baptists,32 catholics,19 evangelicals,a buddaist and a partridge in a peartree on that stage or did you miss that too. glenn is a UNITER,not a DIVIDER, eric. your statements are divisive, GET IT!!!!!!!!!!…..joe schmeister GETS IT!…..pj almost gets it, the koran recognizes the old testiment, therefor falls into judeo/ christian theology, but the rest is spot on…………..misty morrison gets it!……doug cox gets it!!…….as do pat hilty, micheal anesin, edward and denice!! burton fox DONT get it!!!!………..ruby lewis WAY gets it!!!……dr jay in a round about way, gets it…..paula and diane both get it…….rich sort of gets it…..paricia DEFFINATELY DONT get it!………..PIAconners WAY WAY gets it, spot on pia!.. as does jan fischer way get it!…..caroline volle not only gets it, but articulates it very nicely, go girl!jim gets it and finallytom gets it……. so lets see, of the people i read, up to and including myself, 19 GET IT and 4 dont…..i guess glenns message truely IS reaching most people. the reason i keep referring to glenn as GLENN is because i feel like he’s an old, dear friend i havent seen in a loooooong while. untill i finally saw him again at the rally, it was truly refreshing. you other 4 realy need to get out in the fresh air more.

  129. Janet Loeffler on September 1, 2010 at 3:36 am

    To the author, to answer your question as to what changed in American Christian’s that they would accept a non-traditonal (so-called Christian), like Beck, as their national leader complete with theBlack Robed Brigade; I believe because it directly coincides with the failings of Bush and the rising of Obama, that he filled the void that Bush left after Christian’s realized that Bush had led them into the darkest time that American’s can relate to as the Great Depression. We have both wars and economic hardships, which always drives weak Christian’s back to God, Whom they did not need in their lives, UNTIL NOW.

  130. Eric Josephsen on September 1, 2010 at 8:20 am

    @Steven Bischoff,

    I would appreciate it if you would elaborate on which of my comments oppose one another. I don’t see any inconsistencies here.

    As for Beck setting the record straight, I am aware that he does so regularly. This post asks if and when he will do so again because the spectacle of the 8/28 rally seems to have many in his audience convinced that he is more than a political talk show host. In this very thread, as well as on Facebook, there are commenters who compare him to Jeremiah and John the Baptist. Such comparisons prove the point of this post.

    Now, it is interesting that you argue that the “gospel of Beck” and the “Gospel of Jesus” are one and the same. In the article I linked to in this post (I link to it again here: the very thesis is that Evangelical Americans who attended Beck’s rally left thinking that they had heard the Gospel. The author of the piece argues that Beck’s message “was less about anything uniquely Christian than about, at best, a generically theistic civil religion.” In other words, he believes that those in attendance heard good moral teaching, but not once during the day did they hear the Gospel of Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection, and singular atonement. I would be interested to know what you think. Please read that article and let us know. This is the provocative critique of Beck to which I originally referred.

    As for my observation on what you call “evangelists disapproving of mormans [sic],” my actual statement was that evangelicals have traditionally disapproved of mormons, and they now appear to be much more willing to overlook theological and fundamental divides that have separated them in the past. As you mentioned, the gathering of religious leaders at the rally is a change, and I did see it. However, it was an effect of a shift rather than a cause. Therefore I ask again, what would cause so many religious leaders, particularly Christian pastors, to unite in a religious cause with a man professing a faith of which they traditionally have disapproved?

  131. Janet Loeffler on September 1, 2010 at 7:40 am

    Mormons are not Christians. They’ve hijacked that word just like gays have hijacked the word ‘marriage’. You need to do an in depth study on the difference. To start with, Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are twins…

  132. Jayne Parker on September 1, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    “WE THE PEOPLE” were hungry for the message.
    Why condemn the messenger?

  133. steven bischoff on September 1, 2010 at 5:00 pm

    okay janet, i did indeed look for referances to jesus and satan being brothers in morman faith. what i found was that they believe that god the father created ALL spirits/ souls. the angels, satan, the holy stirit and yes, jesus. however, they DO INDEED acknowledge jesus as the only begotten son of god AND the vigin mary. thye DO INDEED BELIEVE in the trinity of god the father, the son and the holy spirit. the DO believe satan to be cast out of heaven to tempt mans souls. they DO believe satan to be a deciever. sounds to me like christian dogma. maybe you’ve been decieved a bit janet? and whats with the GAY referances? it betrays a hateful devisive tone. not at all a christian forgiving tenet. jesus teaches us to unite , forgive, pray for those with whom we disagree. glenn embraces that very doctrine. 8/28 ended on a note to pray BO and congress. he echoed that sentiment in the past, and again tonight on tv. glenn not only IS a christian, but one who practices what he preaches. he prays to the same god you do, every night , on his knees so his children can see him. this is a couragius, pious man who is trying with all his soul to give us faith, hope and charity that we may give it to one another. sounds pretty goshdarn christian to me. what are you doing to get this country back on track besides bearing false witness? does this begin to anwer your inquiry eric?

  134. Mike Rossiter on September 1, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    If preaching a sermon is what it takes to get Americans up off their butts and into action to reclaim this nation of ours then by all means Glen better keep preaching.
    You don’t see anybody else moblizing the people around here . DO You ??

  135. Travis on September 1, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    The author of this article makes a very good point, and most of its critics (few who seem to be able to spell or use punctuation properly) aren’t addressing the substance of the article’s thesis. The question is whether or not Glenn Beck would be qualified, by *evangelical Christian standards*, to lead a *Christian* spiritual revival. If so, then it stands to reason that many Christians would be abandoning Christian standards for such a person and replacing them with Theistic/Deistic/”Patriotic” ones (as many of the Founding Fathers did – very few were Christians, most were Deists).

    It’s not enough to claim that everyone involved believes in ‘God’. Demons believe in God. Muslim terrorists believe in God (whom they address in Arabic as “Allah”). The question is over who this God is, and what is required to be right with God. Mormonism, Judaism, and Christianity all disagree profoundly over this issue, and as such do *not* have the same “gospel”. In Christianity, it’s belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (as God, not as a created being – Christians do *not* believe that Elohim created the Holy Spirit or Jesus, they believe that Jesus IS the Creator). In Judaism it’s adherence to both the written and oral commandments given to Moses, and in Mormonism – well, it’s even more complex than that, but it centers around different books, rituals, and a *different Jesus*. Mormonism is *not* Christianity, nor is it compatible with Judaism. This isn’t even up for debate, the only people claiming the two are doctrinally compatible are simply ignorant of the facts and don’t know historical Christianity or Mormon doctrine well enough to make informed comments on the issue. Most defenders of this viewpoint are clinging to a “Gospel of America and Prosperity/Security” rather than the Biblical Gospel. If this weren’t so, Mormons wouldn’t make such an effort to Convert Christians through their “missionary” work. I know, I’ve spent hours with Mormons in my living room discussing the differences, and many of my good friends in my school years were Mormons (who wanted to convert me, by the way).

    For Christians, the Apostle Paul makes it very clear that anyone professing a “different Jesus” has “no Jesus at all”, and Mormonism’s Jesus is quite different from the historical, Biblical Jesus. This is easily established by doing some honest reading on the subject.

    The Gospel isn’t about elevating a particular country or its inhabitants and their worldly lifestyle (which is why for centuries Christians were content to become Martyrs rather than renounce Christ in favor of Caesar and Country, etc.), it’s about a NEW and HEAVENLY Kingdom which is *not* of this world (see the words of Christ to Pontius Pilate in John 18:36 if you have any doubt about this). Evangelical Christians base their beliefs on the Bible, *conversely*, Mormons base their beliefs mainly on the Book of Mormon and on revelations from their “prophets” (which is why they *no longer* claim people of African descent bear the “Mark of Cain” and are hell-bound, *as Mormonism taught for decades*; they shifted their beliefs according to new “revelation” at the end of the last century).

    For those genuinely interested in understanding the differences, see this video for a very clear introduction to Mormon theology: It’s called “The God Makers”, and the LDS Church has worked HARD over the years to conceal these teachings. That’s a fact.

    Mormonism *does* claim that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers (created beings), Salvation is by works, and that God the Father is named “Elohim” (one of the titles used to refer to YHWH in the Hebrew Tanakh) and lives on his own planet procreating and creating spirit babies. This is the goal of Mormon Temple marriage – to inherit an exalted salvation and a planet(!) in the afterlife (and once-upon-a-time to populate this planet with multiple wives to have celestial sex producing White and Delightsome spirit babies). Mormons rely on (surprise!) the Book of Mormon rather than the collection of books and letters Christians hold to, known generically as the Bible. Mormons do claim that the “1611 AV” (KJV) is useful, as long as it is “rightly interpreted”, that is, interpreted according to the teachings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, which differ substantially from the historic Christian Gospel of salvation by Grace, through faith, by the atoning work and resurrection of Yehoshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ in Greek – Joshua/Yah’Shua the Anointed when translated).

    To claim that the “Gospel of Beck” and the “Gospel of Jesus” are one and the same – wow, it’s hard to even respond to such an ignorant statement, EVEN WITH ALL CAPS! They are very different. Period. The goal of a Christian revival would be repentance and turning to, and placing faith in, Jesus Christ and His completed work of salvation, and that the Kingdom of God has arrived and can be lived here and now (across countries and races, no less). The Gospel of Beck is simply Moralism re-framed. Moralism and the Gospel are not the same.

    Jews and Christians don’t believe the same thing about the Messiah, just as “Latter Day Saints” don’t either. This is just doctrinal fact, not a value judgment. So, to address the author’s question, those “Christians” who would view Glenn Beck as leading a valid spiritual revival would be doing so against the historical and Biblical teachings of the Christian (as well as Jewish) faith. This would be a Jingoistic revival centered on America rather than on the Heavenly Kingdom. This a view much more compatible with Mormonism (an America-centered belief system – they believe the Constitution of the USA is a divinely inspired document and that Zion is found in Utah) than with historical Christianity, which transcends national and patriotic interests. Anyone who wants to debate this would first be advised to consult with the history of the Church (especially the first 300 years or so) and with the writings of the early Church as well.

  136. Eric Josephsen on September 1, 2010 at 7:37 pm

    That is certainly a possibility. Thanks for the comment, Steven.

  137. Eric Josephsen on September 1, 2010 at 9:23 pm


    Thank you for addressing the central query of this post. Your argument is well-founded and intelligently written, but the simple fact that you answered the question makes your comment the best that I have read so far. I hope that more readers will engage with the thesis of the post, rather than defending Glenn Beck from an attack that was not made here to begin with.

  138. Sara on September 1, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    Wow, Travis, you are very articulate and sound as though you have spent a good deal of time doing some research on the differences between the religions. I appreciate your desire to know the truth.

    Sadly, though, you are very wrong on a number of things when it comes to the Mormon religion. And I have to address them. I’m sure this false information you have shared can be traced back to the evil video you are trying to get everyone to watch.

    The video was not made by honest members of the church and is very distorted and downright untrue. In fairness, you might want to take that into consideration while you watch it.

    Just as I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate me asking an anti-christian who does not study or believe in the Bible to tell me of all that you good Christians believe, I would suggest that you not go to mormon-haters for guidance on what the church actually teaches. You might want to actually listen to those people who believe in and live that religion.

    As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I can assure you that the information you have just shared could not be more tainted and is a divisive instrument of Satan.

    As to some of your ‘arguments’ agains the church, you might try reading Psalm 82:6 and Acts 17: 29 and Romans 8:16-17 and Revelation 3:21 and Revelation 21: 6-7. Some of the things you mockingly referred to about the church of Jesus Christ come straight from your Bible.

    And yes, please use a KJV version EVEN without Joseph Smith commentary. Why KJV? Because it is the most untouched by human hands (man’s interpretation) and closest to the original text – which we teach comes from prophets and apostles who are the mouthpiece of God (Amos 3:7). We like to make sure we are reading God’s words, not man’s. And we do not take it lightly either. The Bible is not just ‘useful’ it is the word of God and YES as long as it has been translated correctly. Men like to muddy things up and think they can word things better than God can. Doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me.

    As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, I can tell you that we recognize Jesus Christ as the creator of this world and the Only Begotten Son of the Father – just as He taught while He was on the earth. He is the God of this world. So if you and I are reading from the Bible that teaches those truths, and are worshiping the Jesus from that Bible, then I am pretty sure we are speaking of the same Jesus. Because, frankly, I don’t know of any other Jesus.

    You are correct in one statement: “…the Kingdom of God has arrived and can be lived here and now (across countries and races, no less).”

    Yes! The kingdom has been restored, in its fullness and is for all of God’s children. The same organization that existed in the Bible, created and organized by the hand of God- yes Jesus Christ, has been restored to the earth in all its fullness with Him standing at its head, as He has always done.

    Maybe a deeper study of the Bible would help you see that God has always used Prophets and Apostles to do his work here on earth. God has always used revelation to speak to His children and God has always been a God of covenants and ordinances. God has also mentioned His other ‘sheep’ which were not within Jesus’ voice at the time he walked the earth. He stated clearly that he would go and visit those other sheep to share the good news (John 10:16). All that Mormon’s claim is that He did, in fact, keep that promise, and we have the record to prove it. It does not detract from the Bible, it does not change the teachings of the Bible. It is a second witness to the same Jesus spoken of in the Bible and it was prophecied in the Bible that it would exist (Ezek. 37: 16, 19). God is the same yesterday, today and forever and his gospel is for all people.

    I don’t understand how people claim to believe in and follow the teachings of the Bible, but choose to be so blind or pick and choose whatever they will out of it’s texts.

    I have looked for the same gospel that is preached in the Bible and have found it on earth today.

    Eric, I’d like to directly address your overall question. Maybe more and more ‘christians’ are willing to listen to Glenn Beck because good christians have begun to recognize truth when they hear it and are beginning to open their eyes. Good Christians, with open hearts can hear God wherever he speaks and will refuse to judge simply by labels or what ‘man’ has taught them. Good christians seek to listen to the Spirit of Truth which comes from God and not from man. And the Spirit of Truth will testify of truth wherever it is. (John 15:26)

    Ezekiel 34:12

  139. Gwen on September 1, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    I don’t believe that believing in the things that Glenn is saying and said on 9/12, has a thing to do with accepting Mormonism. But nor do I put him on a pedestal or proclaim him to be a prophet. I think he is a good man, a patriotic man, who cares deeply about his country. He is uniting others who feel the same way. Uniting those who believe that our country is being lost and replaced by something undesirable to say- the least. Yes, he refers to God and our need for God’s strength and wisdom. But in a generic sense, without specifics. I in no way felt my own beliefs threatened by anything he had to say. I appreciate the job he is doing. I am glad that someone such as he has a platform to speak from. He is dedicated to our country and it’s people. He doesn’t want our Constitution to be thrown out as irrelevant. So he teaches us about it and our Founding Fathers. He teaches us history that has been lost until now to the majority of us. He teaches us history so that we don’t keep repeating the down sides of it. Doing these things and more, telling us that he believes that the only way we are going to get out of this mess is by God’s Hand, God’s strength, our prayerfulness does not negate my Christian beliefs whatsoever. It doesn’t suggest Mormonism. Implementing Faith, Hope, and Charity doesn’t either. I am thankful that he speaks out when it costs him much. I am thankful that he has the money and other resources to research the many facets of this administration. Without this, I don’t think we would understand or discern the depth of what is going on. Christian or non..I believe that God can use him and is using him. I do not believe that Glenn was professing the Mormon religion and that is why Christian pastors were willing to come together for this occasion. There was nothing presented to offend or compromise their own faith. If I had been Jewish or Muslim on the other hand, that might have been another story, but for a good cause otherwise, it was overlooked as well. So to sum, I don’t believe that accepting someone of the Mormon faith was a point at all. It didn’t come into play in my opinion. Most of us got to “know” Glenn long before we knew he was a Mormon. He had our respect and interest. Finding he was Mormon could not take that away, nor should it.

  140. Travis on September 2, 2010 at 12:58 am


    Answer these questions honestly:

    – Was black/brown, etc. skin taught to be the Mark of Cain in the LDS churches for years?
    – You mentioned Jesus being “the God of *this* world”. Do you believe that *all* things, visible and invisible (the whole cosmos) was created by Him, for Him, and through Him? How about Kolob?
    – Are Jesus and “Lucifer” spirit brothers?
    – Does not the book of Mormon teach that Jesus was born in Jerusalem, not Bethlehem as the Bible teaches? (Alma 7:10)
    – Do you realize that the KJV was based on the “Textus Receptus”, compiled by Thomas Erasmus, a Roman Catholic, and that he didn’t even have a Greek text of Revelation, but rather made one from the Latin Vulgate text? (btw, even King James – who inserted his name throughout scripture, there is no such name as “James” in Hebrew, it’s Yakov – had the KJV revised in 1617 and even more beyond that, and it’s just an English *translation*, not the original documents – I studied Greek, I’ll take it over the KJV *any day) To say that the KJV is the most faithful text – well, no textual scholar outside of BYU would agree (though some may say the Alexandrine texts are superior to other textual variants). I personally do prefer the Byzantine to the Vatican texts, but the KJV is still seriously deficient on many levels, but that’s another debate.
    – Does not Mormonism teach that you have to keep the “Commandments” to be fully saved?
    – Do LDS members believe that Elohim himself had a father, and that there is an endless cycle of God-making (humans becoming gods and begetting more humans who will become gods)? (a la “If You Could Hie to Kolob”)
    Do you refute the statement of Lorenzo Snow (5th LDS President): “”As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become.”?
    Do you believe Elohim was once essentially like a human?

    I could go on and on, having spent a lot of times with Mormon friends and with the Book of Mormon. It is a *different gospel*. That’s why it’s called Mormonism/LDS, not Christianity.

    It’s disingenuous to state that the only difference between Mormons and Christians is that Mormons believe Jesus spoke to his “other sheep” (Lamanites, Lehi and Nephi – Mormons believe that there are/were other lost tribes of Israel, named nowhere in Scripture – not in the KJV or otherwise – who came to America, but their skin became red/darkened because of their sin and warring, etc. – yes, seriously). The whole belief about the identity of “Elohim” (Elohim is not a proper name, it’s one of the ancient proto-canaanite terms for “God”, btw). The book of Mormon also uses “Jesus Christ” as a proper name, supposedly of ancient origin. It’s neither – the name was unknown in “Old Testament” times. The Aramaic is Yeshua – Hebrew is Yahoshua (Yah Saves – the name itself identifies Iesous (Greek transliteration) with YHWH – they are one and the same). “Christos” is just the Greek translation of Messiah – “Anointed”. There are so many issues there isn’t room for them here.

    Anyone truly interested in the differences (and they are vast) between Mormonism and Christianity is encouraged to do some research for themselves. Those who claim that Beck is doing what Christian pastors have failed to do (call for revival) simply haven’t listened to many Christian teachers (because they’re too busy being glued to Conservative Demagoguery, perhaps?) There are Christian leaders all over the US and all over the globe who have been calling for just that, and many of them speak to larger crowds than those assembled before Beck (in China, for one, South Korea, England, the US, etc.)

    The responses to this author’s article show that his point was well made – many people who would otherwise claim to be adherents to Christianity seem to be substituting those doctrines for a generically Theistic and Americo-centric “gospel” centered around a moralistically-driven return to prosperity. Interesting phenomenon, but not at all surprising given how dumbed-down this nation has become, conservative and liberal alike. When I hear Christians refer to the Deist founders of the United States as “*our* Founding Fathers”, I wonder if they have even heard of the Church Fathers, or what they would consider Paul, let alone Abraham, to be? Ireneus? Athanasius? Polycarp? What Kingdom do they think is the Kingdom of God? Can it be brought about by research, elections, bombs and dollars?

  141. Caroline Volle on September 2, 2010 at 2:26 am

    Gwen, I couldn’t agree with you more. BTW, I didn’t mean that I thought Glenn is a prophet as in the old testament. Everything Biblical prophets said came true, that was the test of whether they were true prophets, anointed and appointed by God. Glenn can only speculate, based on history and his research into the scoundrels in Washington, where things are headed if we don’t turn the ship around, so to speak. However, prophets did tend to go around and warn the people to get right and live for God, much like Glenn is doing now. I do believe that God has raised him up for such a time as this. I don’t put him on a pedestal but sure am grateful that he is waking up the people and leading them in the right direction. My husband and I ran the Christian Coalition of Maine for 20 or so years, and we nearly despaired that anything would wake the people up before our country just fell into the abyss. We are so grateful to Glenn, and David Barton, and numerous others for leading our country back to it’s roots and what looks like a new “great awakening” for God and country. They are giving us old war horses a renewed hope.

  142. Caroline Volle on September 2, 2010 at 3:12 am

    I haven’t heard anyone say we should abandon our Christianity and follow Mormonism. Glenn is not doing that. He is calling us to turn back to God and Faith, Hope and Charity, and restoring honor(as in honesty) in our government, starting with restoring honor in our own lives. Is this a bad idea?

    We could all debate the fine points of which Bible to use, and whether our Christian doctrine is pure and right, but who will be the final arbiter of these things, and isn’t that missing the point. We’re not forming a Doctrinal Statement here. The fact is, our country has gotten off track, way off track. Many of us believe that getting back to God and His principles is the answer to the problems we face. Glenn urges this too. Do you disagree?

    If we all must agree on the doctrine to forge a movement back to God, then we will have to form a theocracy first. That kinda defeats the whole thing. We can agree to disagree on doctrinal points and get on with getting back to Restoring Honor and Godliness in our country again. The alternative is the God-hating, corruption breeding government we have now. And, by george, we will have to elect some different people to accomplish the change needed.

    The Bible makes it quite clear that God cares about the affairs of men, even urges righteous living. So, yes, I believe God cares about our elections and how we live out our faith in the everyday, mundane things like doing the dishes and voting. If you are not comfortable with what Glenn and others are doing now, what, pray tell, would you prefer? It seems you think we are all off base.

  143. Sara on September 2, 2010 at 11:13 am

    Caroline Volle I think you might have missed my point. I apologize if I did not articulate it well. Eric asked why Christians are willing to listen to Beck. I am simply suggesting that it is because they recognize the truth in what he is saying and are not letting the derogatory labels get in the way of recognizing God’s call. The rest of my statements were in direct response to Travis’ comments. Sorry, they don’t really have much to do with the original article or Glenn Beck’s rally, but had to be addressed because they were false and misleading and were accepted by the original author as acceptable and intelligent and leading to a real debate on the original thesis. I disagree, but could not ignore them. I do totally agree with what you say about what is going on with Beck and the nation.

    Travis, thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your questions, though I fear they fall on deaf ears. You clearly think you already know all the answers. But I will answer them to the best of my ability anyway because it matters to me and I hope others will not be misled by the false claims you are making:

    – Was black/brown, etc. skin taught to be the Mark of Cain in the LDS churches for years?

    The only time references to skin coloring is brought up around the Mormon faith is in the Book of Mormon when God placed a curse on the Lamanites for their unrighteousness so the Nephites would not mingle with the unrighteous. When they chose later to follow Jesus Christ and repented and turned their hearts to the Lord, the Lord told the Nephites that the Lamanites had become more righteous than the Nephites. This scenario does not translate into “black/brown vs. white” people, but stood only for a time as righteousness vs. unrighteousness. It has nothing to do with black/brown skin, nor was it ever suggested that ‘all dark-skinned people have the curse of Cain’.

    I think, sadly, when the LDS church sought to be inclusive and sought to openly allow black men the opportunity to hold the priesthood and became public about the revelation that God saw black/brown men as worthy children – instead of it being received as a peaceful, beautiful statement of God’s love for all of his children at a time when the country could not accept this equality fully, people have tried to pervert it into something else; people twist it and conclude that the LDS people must have taught racism before that time. A deep and honest study into the history of the church will help you see that the early LDS people were some of the most accepting and loving people and assisted with all their hearts in helping to free the slaves. So your attempt to convince me that the church taught that black/brown people have been cursed with an evil curse is not an argument that I think is worthy of discussion because it is simply false and based on total misunderstandings. We believe and teach firmly the statement from the New Testament that God is no ‘respecter of persons’. He doesn’t care what color your skin is as long as you are of good and moral character working out your salvation before God.

    – You mentioned Jesus being “the God of *this* world”. Do you believe that *all* things, visible and invisible (the whole cosmos) was created by Him, for Him, and through Him? How about Kolob?

    Jesus is the creator of all things and did so by direction of the Father. John 1:3 says that he is the creator of ALL things, and John 8 is one example of where Jesus discusses learning from and receiving commandment from the Father.

    – Are Jesus and “Lucifer” spirit brothers?
    The Bible teaches that Lucifer was the “son of the morning” and a fallen angel. We do teach that we are all God’s children; that Lucifer chose to rebel and so was cast out of heaven with those children that would follow him and not choose God’s plan (Revelation 12). We teach that we are all spirit brothers and sisters – based on biblical teachings… But don’t let this be confusing. Jesus Christ is the ONLY BEGOTTEN of the Father in the flesh which places Him as God. Lucifer, is clearly not a God.

    – Does not the book of Mormon teach that Jesus was born in Jerusalem, not Bethlehem as the Bible teaches? (Alma 7:10)

    This is obviously a reference to his homeland and a geographical description; a land that the people were familiar with as their homeland, where their fathers had come from, “at Jeruselem”…not ‘in’.

    – Do you realize that the KJV was based on the “Textus Receptus”, compiled by Thomas Erasmus, a Roman Catholic, and that he didn’t even have a Greek text of Revelation, but rather made one from the Latin Vulgate text? (btw, even King James – who inserted his name throughout scripture, there is no such name as “James” in Hebrew, it’s Yakov – had the KJV revised in 1617 and even more beyond that, and it’s just an English *translation*, not the original documents – I studied Greek, I’ll take it over the KJV *any day) To say that the KJV is the most faithful text – well, no textual scholar outside of BYU would agree (though some may say the Alexandrine texts are superior to other textual variants). I personally do prefer the Byzantine to the Vatican texts, but the KJV is still seriously deficient on many levels, but that’s another debate.

    No, that is the point exactly. Even the KJV is inadequate in that it is not the original text, but the closest English translation available – you just proved the point and should then recognize the need for God to help us clarify what was originally written. You maybe can now see the need for revelation – for God to directly correct what has been tampered with by men. I commend you for trying to find the most accurate text. We all should seek to do so.

    – Does not Mormonism teach that you have to keep the “Commandments” to be fully saved?

    This question comes up a lot. But I’m confused as to why, especially since those who make it say they believe the bible and all that Jesus taught.

    First and foremost we know that it is only through the grace of God that we are saved. And what of Jesus’ other statements on the matter?: Deut. 26:16; 11:1; Ps 119:4,60; 1 Kings 8:58; 1 Jn 5:3; Mark 10:21; James 2 and how many times did Jesus say: “follow me” while on the earth. I could continue the list, but hopefully you get the point.

    Many people like to contend with members of the LDS faith and say that we think we ‘work’ our way into heaven. We simply believe Jesus when he said all of the things I have already referenced.

    A serious reflection of the Bible would make it clear that God’s people are a covenant people and God has always laid out his commandments for his children. If it did not matter that we make and keep these covenants (keep his commandments), then why waste God’s breath laying them out for us?! A true follower of Jesus Christ will follow the plan he laid out and that includes ‘work’ to be as he was. But please don’t think we ignore the importance of Grace. It is the only way that any of it is possible. Without Jesus’ mercy we cannot enter into the kingdom of God. To ignore this fact is to ignore the entire purpose of his coming. The ‘work’ is simply keeping the covenants we make with Him when we accept him as our Savior.

    – Do LDS members believe that Elohim himself had a father, and that there is an endless cycle of God-making (humans becoming gods and begetting more humans who will become gods)? (a la “If You Could Hie to Kolob”) Do you refute the statement of Lorenzo Snow (5th LDS President): “”As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become.”?
    Do you believe Elohim was once essentially like a human?

    Please refer to all of the scripture references I posted wherein the bible makes it completely clear that we are children of God and can become joint heirs with Christ to all the Father has. We are his children, and children can grow up to become like their father. This is clear strictly from the biblical texts I have referenced (Psalm 82:6 and Acts 17: 29 and Romans 8:16-17 and Revelation 3:21 and Revelation 21: 6-7). Pray about it. I know you’ll find your answer. It will come from your loving Father in Heaven by the Spirit of Truth.

    Finally, I did not mean to claim that the only difference was the Book of Mormon. I was simply speaking directly to the comments made about the Book of Mormon and we recognize that God’s gospel is for all people. All we claim is that the Book of Mormon is another record and testament of Jesus Christ. If you have really read the book, and I believe you have at least looked it over, you will clearly see that the entire message is about turning to Jesus Christ, the son of God, that by him and through him we can return to God because of the atonement he has made. “And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins” (2Nep 25:26). That is the message of the entire book. It, as I said before, does not detract or change any of the gospel laid out in the bible, but acts as a second witness to the SAME Jesus that was born to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem.

    I am truly confused by Christians who have decided that the windows of heaven would only ever be open to one group of people for some period of time and that God would limit his voice by speaking to only one group of God’s children. He loves all of humankind. Why would he not take his message to them all? You sit here and claim that we are racist and teach that black/brown people have the curse of Cain, but in the same breath suggest that God did not love them enough to give them the gospel and visit them as he did in the Bible. I just don’t understand the ‘logic’. God did love his ‘other sheep’, enough to visit them following his resurrection and they kept a record of it. God still loves his people, and the windows of Heaven are not shut.

    “O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not.”

  144. Roxanne Case on September 6, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    If Beck is an active Mormon, then there is a very good chance he has been ordained. Very likely as most active Mormon men are. Mormons are Christians, so there is no reason why one could not lead a Christian religious revival. We definitely need to return to true Christian beliefs including morality, service, and righteous living. If we don’t, I fear where our current path is leading.

  145. Roxanne Case on September 6, 2010 at 8:54 pm

    Travis, you make a lot of accurate points about what the LDS church believes in, but most of them don’t quite get it right. There is no way that I could convince you of what we really do believe. You would have to do more research, with an open mind. I am very happily and proudly a Mormon, and I am a Christian. My definition of a Christian is a person who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, came to the Earth as his only begotten son, lived a “Christian” life as an example of how we should live, and died on the cross, after taking our sins onto himself that we could be resurrected to live with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again. Yes, we believe that the two, plus the Holy Ghost are three separate, distinct beings, that’s why they are called The Father and The Son and the Holy Ghost. As far as all the rest goes, you only have about three-quarters of the facts and should go and do more research before you profess what Mormon’s believe. And I would recommend a Mormon site rather than an anti-Mormon, hate spewing site. Sorry if I spelled anything wrong, I do not claim perfection.

  146. Roxanne Case on September 6, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    Sara, I should have read your post before writing mine, but I was infuriated and “had” to respond immediately. Amen to all that you wrote. I am very impressed with your level of knowledge and articulation of Gospel truths. Finally, I bear testimony to all that would doubt. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know that he died on the cross for me. I know that through his Grace, I can return to live with my Father in Heaven again, if I live righteously and do all that I can. I cannot possibly do enough and am so grateful for his Grace. Anyone who knew me as a young adult, knows that I direly need his Grace. I am so grateful that he loved me enough to die for me and for each of us. This I bear testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

  147. Joyce Landre on September 7, 2010 at 1:31 pm

    I believe that Glenn Beck called ALL FAITHS to come together. Glenn’s religion really has nothing to do with the message. He has never once said that his religion is the true religion. I truly admire the man beyond belief…and no, I am not a Mormon. He has brought the message of our country and our Founding Fathers because it has been lost over time…and with the situation today…WE ALL NEED A WAKE-UP CALL !! I beleive God has brought Glenn to the forefront because all others from various faiths have been silent. The time for silence is over…and Glenn is putting his life, his family safety, the safety of his co-workers…and obviously, even the safety of Alveda King, Martin Luther King’s niece, at risk with his message. He believes strongly enough to risk it all to bring the message to the masses that no one else has the courage to bring. There will always be “nay-sayers”…as from the beginning of time… Those who trust Glenn and believe the message will do their best to stand up and change the world the same way our founders did when they realized the British were not interested in the common good of their people. God Bless Glenn for what he does… The Bible says that the rocks will cry out if no one else does… Thank God for Glenn and his message…no matter what his personal faith may be.

  148. Gerard Gallagher on September 7, 2010 at 11:07 pm

    It is my opinion that most Christian and Jewish Americans who are of a Conservative political ideal and have faith in God, are becoming alarmed by an ever increasing omittance of God in American life. When governments, be they local state or national enact laws that constrict an individuals right to display his faith in God, in order NOT TO OFFEND someone who may not worship in the same way OR at all. ie Nativity scenes at Christmas etc. And a sitting President, while speaking at one of the foremost Christian Universities in the Country insists the statue depicting the crucifiction of Jesus Christ be covered before he will speak NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE (Georgetown & Notre Dame), is it any wonder things like this and the Tea Party are occurring? The silent majority will support ANYONE who they believe to be in step with the America they cherish. I don’t think you’ll be seeing any Catholics converting to Mormanism , just as you didn’t see any Jewish people converting to Catholicism after voting for JFK. To put it simpley, we don’t like to see Judeo-Christian beliefs being scorned by the left OR mocked by the Government, the media or Hollywood. We intend to put an end to the rejection of Good for Evil.

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