
Growing the Grassroots

May 26, 2010

There are so many people focused on national issues right now and not paying attention to our local governments who are selling out the house. It is important to know and keep abreast of what is happening on all levels of government, but it is imperative that WE GET ENGAGED FULLY on the local level.

One of Arkansas grassroots movement’s biggest frustrations right now is that none of the grassroots candidates prevailed, in the national elections. I have been asked for the past week “how did that happen”, my response is “People do not want to hire the CEO of a Corporation that has no resume”

If we are going to be successful at changing the face of politics in Arkansas and ultimately the nation we need to learn how to operate in the system.  My daddy use to say “play their game by your rules”.

Arkansans have an opportunity to make effective change NOW and to help grow conservative candidates for later to run for national office. Candidates we have seen operate and prove their allegiance to fiscal responsibility and Constitutional adherence.

Our Republic has the wonderful opportunity for citizens to serve their communities, state and nation by being an elected official. Representatives play a vital role in helping to implement the changes so desperately needed today. Things like shaping policy and helping to direct communities to be fiscally responsible. Every office deserves people who are grounded in the principles of liberty and individual freedom. That is why we have designed our candidate training specifically for state and local candidates

At American Majority we travel the state (and the nation for that matter) encouraging people to get informed, engaged and empowered. We share with people the importance of getting involved on local and state levels because that is where their greatest power lies.  But the purpose is twofold, this is also where the majority of our US Senators and Congressmen come from.

Arkansas School Board positions filing date is July 21st-26th and City Council filing is Aug 4th-24th. These dates are approaching quickly, key positions are available in each district and city.

Running for elected office is challenging and sometimes overwhelming. It will take work but American Majority’s Candidate Training will empower you.  You will become aware of fundraising, organizing volunteers, coordinating events, writing letters to the editor, and, of course, reaching out to prospective voters.

So, consider attending one of our candidate trainings… may surprise yourself and decide to run for office. Go ahead, jump in with both feet!

1 Comment

  1. Tweets that mention Growing the Grass~ « American Majority -- on May 26, 2010 at 10:01 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by AM's Austin James, AM's Austin James, Raz Shafer, Ford O'Connell, Texas Majority and others. Texas Majority said: Another Homerun from @LaurieMasterson on AM's Blog: Growing the Grassroots #majority #tcot […]

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