
The Health Care Bill and Why You Should Attend a Post Party Summit

March 22, 2010

Of course we know what took place last night, with the U.S. House passing the Health Care Bill with 219 votes. What does that bill do? Well, for starters, it brings about more tax increases, higher health care premiums (you don’t think the health insurers, drug makers, etc. aren’t going to pass their tax increase costs on to the consumers?), does not reduce the deficit, will cost us more jobs. Why more jobs? The bill TRIPLES the penalty for businesses not providing health care, and applies it even to part-time employees. It also extends the Medicare tax to all non-wage income. These measures will raise the top marginal rate on small business owners by 20%. Between that and a few other things, we will de-incentivize small businesses from hiring, and with small businesses being over 90% of the businesses in America and the heart of the U.S. economy, we crush our economic engine.  And finally, and there are other items to discuss, this bill does not prohibit federal funds going to health care plans that cover elective abortions, and gives billions to health care centers and does not prohibit that money on being spent on elective abortions. And this is a triumph?! I never knew shooting oneself in the foot was a triumph . . .

What should have been done, at a minimum, because I believe health care reform is needed, was to focus on three items: tort reform, remove restrictions from buying insurance across state lines, and expanding health savings accounts. Those three things right there would cause significant reform for our current system. Instead we get this monstrosity of a bill. . . so what can you do to fight it? Come to a Post Party Summit and learn how to fight back. Learn how to bring about greater accountability and transparency. Learn how to change the system of government we are now confronted with, where the political class serves its own interests and the interests of what I like to call the patronage system cronies. It’s time to organize for a free America.


  1. uberVU - social comments on March 22, 2010 at 6:44 pm

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  2. Laurie Skipper on March 22, 2010 at 11:26 pm

    I was in a discussion this evening with a friend who is a co-owner of two home healh care companies. Even before finding out what the new Medicare & Medicaid regulations will do to their profitability, they are considering whether or not they can afford insurance for their 100+ employees in the company that provides aid services. While they do have coverage for those in the nursing care company, they have not provided that for the aides, for a number of business reasons. They see their options as (1) downsizing below 50 employees (aka 50+ layoffs), (2) splitting into two companies with associated addtional overhead expense (and headache!), or (3) shutting that oompany down completely (with 100+ layoffs).

    Bottom line: Unless they choose Option 2, there will be more unemployment & people needing home health services having to find a new provider.

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