
Sector Showdown: Private Vs. Public

February 9, 2010

The D.C. area is an interesting place to live indeed. Recently, we received over 30” of snow. The record snow fall has crippled much of the federal government, including the post office. So it was no surprise Monday when the federal government announced it would remain closed all day. Now imagine my surprise when I see a Domino’s Pizza delivery boy at my neighbor’s door. Apparently on time, pizza piping hot, the delivery boy was whistling and even sporting a short sleeve t-shirt. So, while the highest offices in the land can’t seem to make it in, a 16 yr. old pizza delivery boy somehow manages to bounce around town delivering pizzas and blasting his radio a little too loud. Imagine that.

This got me thinking. Comparing government to the private sector, who does things better? Rather than write a long, bloated post about my opinion, I wanted to hear what you have to say. Have you worked in both? Do you know someone who has moved from one to the other? I am interested in hearing your opinions on this one.


  1. Carol Kendall on February 9, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    My husband has worked as an electrical engineer with government, medical, and consumer electronics. Government has so much red tape it is nearly impossible to improve things; medical is similar (government regulations?), and consumer electronics changes constantly.
    It is my opinion that anything that is profitable, private enterprise can do better. Government is only “better” at services that are unprofitable. Of those, we only need government to take over the essentials, first of which is security — enforcing laws at home and defending us from enemies. Many others are unprofitable because they are unnecessary and/or unwanted.

  2. William L. Taylor on February 9, 2010 at 6:30 pm

    Any excuse for a holiday. But, please ask what the Pentagon, the CIA, NSA and others. However, bet you a nickel that DHS except for the situation room was closed?

  3. Linda Stanton on May 22, 2010 at 10:21 am

    Except for a little retail and waitressing, my work has been primarily private non-profit, some government. the more private, mission driven the organization, the more efficient use of resources, but not always. However, for last 13 years have worked in HUD housing and have seen the paperwork and regulations increase tremendously from HUD and for residents who are County/State/Fed beneficiaries ie: Medical Assitance (T19), Medicare, CASH/food support, insurance etc. Since I work mostly with seniors and people with disabilities on FIXED incomes, to watch the work that is put into making sure everyone is still eligible from year to year – the paperwork that gets filled out etc. I feel there must be a simpler easier way. ie this year soc security beneficiaries didn’t get an increase so why all the effort? furthermore, from year to year the benefit usually may go up 2-3% when it does. I am sure the ‘paperwork reduction act’ has been violated many times over! The government and those in partnership (which is MANY) seems like a big jobs program to me, keeping things going with busy work. Government needs to be sensible and slimmed down.

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