
Without a Tax Revolt We Are Lost

March 3, 2010

We will never control our government until we control the federal tax system.

It is corrupted and unfair and feeds unchecked government growth with our money. It has made the federal government far more powerful than what was supposed to be its equal—our state governments. The income tax hides the cost of the government from plain sight and provides endless amounts of our money for the advancement of politician’s personal ambitions. It is very good for those in Washington and very destructive for the rest of us.

We’re being treated as if our only value as citizens is how much more money we can be made to give up out of our paychecks. When it comes to more and more spending and more and more taxes, it is a one-way conversation. I’m ready to talk back and I don’t think I’m alone. That’s why I’m calling on every patriot to join me in a tax revolt march on Washington , D.C.

I’m leading a Tea Party Patriot team in a growing on-line tax revolt which arrives in Washington , D.C. on April 15th to merge with huge physical rallies. It’s a new technology that allows people to choose a graphic “avatar” to digitally march on-line to Washington with hundreds of thousands of other Americans. Even the homebound, recovering veterans and the elderly can add their voice to this new American chorus.

I’m seeing a lot of people remembering that politicians are supposed to follow the will of the people—not trample it. Like Boston Harbor , this is where we again make our stand.

First you choose an avatar at: Then you choose a team. Michael Reagan has a team, Neal Boortz has a team, Ken Hoagland of has a team and I have a team, among a growing number of others. Every day after you join the march, you can check your progress toward Washington , D.C. on a Google Earth map of the United States . You can see other marchers from your hometown, read blogs from the leaders and count the growing number of citizens willing to make a stand.

The on-line tax revolt is open to all whether they favor the Flat Tax, the FairTax or the kind of simplification that President Reagan won. What this march is really about is shifting public policy back to favor the public instead of the political elite. Right now, the on-line revolt has 100,000 marchers and is growing by 1,000 people per hour. It’s wake up call to those in the halls of power.

This nation began in a tax protest against the rule of royalty, indifference to what were once loyal citizens of the crown and the arrogance of power. A brand new form of government began here that held that government power could only be granted with the consent of the governed. Well guess what? The aristocrats are back, the arrogance of power is back and even taxation without representation is back as our government pledges the earnings of future, unborn, generations of American citizens to secure mind-numbing levels of national debt today. It will ruin the country if we don’t stop it.

This is not the government we learned about in our civics class and not the liberty for which our forefathers shed blood. It’s time for the next great American tax revolt and I hope you join me.

(This article was also cross-posted at


Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher was thrust into the national spotlight when he asked Barrack Obama why it was fair to take his earnings and give it to others. Joe has kept asking hard questions of government leaders ever since. Joe leads the Tea Party Patriot Team at


  1. Bill PaPa Nylan on March 3, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    You Go Joe I Got Your Back

  2. Dulcie Hannigan on March 3, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    I joined Ken Hoagland’s march on Washington at the Liberty Conference in OKC 2/19 & 20. I support the Fair Tax. The current tax code is 67,000 pages (approximately) and no one understands, not even the authors of the codes, what it mean. Let’s simplify our lives and our taxes.

  3. abeldred on March 3, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    Exactly what is this supposed to accomplish?

  4. PCMAN on March 4, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Repeal the Current Tax Payment Act of 1943. Make EVERYBODY send their checks in every quarter. Try to raise taxes when everybody actually sees and feels what is taken from them and you will have a REAL tax revolt.

  5. Hiscomm on March 9, 2010 at 3:46 pm

    Just wanted to add some more fuel to the fire. Why not just repeal it completely. They get their authority from the consent of the governed! The curtains of deceit need to be ripped open to see how deep this runs!

    Prosperity Can Return, And The Fix is Simple

    March 8, 2010 by Bob Livingston
    Prosperity Can Return, And The Fix is Simple

    Income tax to the Federal Government is not for income to the government—not one penny.

    What is it for then? It is for social control. This is a fiat money syndrome. Fiat paper money causes more direct government control over citizens. In filing Federal Income Tax forms people reveal a complete profile of their public as well as their private lives.

    The system requires that the people must believe that Federal income taxes are for income flow to the Federal Government. Nonsense, nonsense. No fiat (money) goes to Washington as taxes!

    Where does it go? It returns to ether, from whence it came. Where does the Federal Government get its money? Modern government money is electronic. It is not your taxes.

    And in reality, Federal Government has no debt. How can the Federal Government have debt with electronic money that is nothing more than computer symbols that can be created to infinity?

    Every egghead in the land believes that there is Federal debt. The Federal debt elves have gotten into their heads. They totally misunderstand monetary realism.

    Oh yes, the Federal debt hoax has a serious purpose. It throws sand in our eyes to keep the people from waking up to the fact that the Federal Government just creates all the “money.” There might be an “income tax” rebellion if a goodly number of people discovered the Federal debt hoax. Come now, if you could create trillions in electronic money, would you have debt? No, you wouldn’t, and neither does the Federal Government.

    The income tax is totally a propaganda system to keep the population from discovering the nature of Federal Government finance. Income tax is not about money going to Washington as taxes.

    It is about control and social engineering of transferring production and wealth from the producers to the non-producers, and it comes right out of Karl Marx’s Manifesto.

    And dear friends, can you even imagine the parasite load of accountants and lawyers pretending to help the Federal Government collect taxes? They actually believe that they are collecting taxes. They have no concept of reality.

    I challenge any living being to disprove what I have written here. What we need is truth.

    The hour is past late.

    Greed and vested interest have brought America to a state of collapse. Accountants and lawyers are parasites on the income tax fraud.

    Since the income tax does not supply income to the government it can be permanently abolished. After all, Federal income tax was nil until 1939.

    It’s all very simple except for the giant cover of deceit and fraud in America. Elimination of the Federal income tax would restore confidence and a new day of prosperity and economic relief.

    Domestic labor could and would be cheaper and corporations which have moved offshore would move back.

    America is not in economic trouble except for the fraud of politicians and vested interests. President Obama would have to know this.

    Abolishing the income tax would eliminate the oppression of a whole army of tax collectors and their lackey accountants and lawyers. This would make way for sound and honest healthcare and Social Security.

    Abolishing the income tax would not cost the United States government a dime. Federal income tax is the scam of and scourge of history used by tyrants to oppress the people and make them support a perpetual increase in the size of government.

    What I have said here does not apply to state and local governments. All of you know that they can’t print money or create money electronically as does the Federal Government.

    The American people need to know the truth now about the fraud and deceit of the Federal income tax. It will never be debated in the controlled media or by the politicians. They don’t want you to know.

    But only 1 percent of the “taxpayers” could start an income tax rebellion simply by telling the truth to fellow Americans. It is our last chance!

  6. Josh on March 11, 2010 at 6:34 pm

    I love read meat gimmicks to get the masses fired up. Here are some numbers to think about.

    People making over 400K pay more than 40% of the total money collected by income tax. The odds are none of you posting or attending a rally make this much since that accounts for 1% of the US population.

    People making over 113K (maybe some of you) pay 71.22% of all income tax revenue collected. Which leaves 90% of the american people who fall under this total paying less than 30% of ALL INCOME TAX COLLECTED.

    Lets say tomorrow we instituted a flat tax and that 10% group got a 20% cut in taxes, after all it would have to be a low number for people at the bottom to pay it as well. The bottom will almost entirely be unaffected so all you sub 100K people get ready to see almost no change for all your work, maybe 10% if you were making more than 80-90K already.

    End result, the lower and middle class save 5-10% if lucky and the wealthy save 15-20% at a loss of 20% all tax revenue that our government needs to balance its budget. Do you have any idea the consequences of an unpaid tax cut like this? 20%!! You dont want more Chinese debt do you?

    Alternatively you could press for a tax reduction for people and families making under 66K by 100%!!!! and you would still only lose 3% of tax revenue since these people (75% of the population) only pay 14% of the total taxes now.

    Anyone who buys this flat tax non sense is suffering from Stockholm syndrome in which you identify with your captors and take their side, only in this case you are being held hostage by America’s top 5% and their desire to keep even more of their already huge sums of money. Wake up and dont eat the red meat being dangled in front of you.

  7. Jon on August 7, 2010 at 4:14 pm

    Can we get you to bring that message to the Socialist Republic of Vermont (or how can we get you over here?)…people will flock to hear you speak…
    hope to hear from you!!!

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