
A Unique Event: Why Everyone Should Take Note

March 17, 2010

Standing outside in the cold for several hours is an uncommon occurrence and yes, even in Minnesota, most would consider this to be a bit crazy. When asked by friends in warmer climates how do you handle the cold, my response is pretty simple – we just stay out of it. It is no wonder then when folks like myself, who are directionally challenged and have yet to figure out the skyway system in downtown Minneapolis, take to the streets on a winter day and often catch glimpses of strange looks from faces looking down upon you.

Minnesotans love to take advantage of these skyway systems or underground tunnels and heated parking garages. They have an uncanny knowledge of how to play just about every board game on the market and often model their homes around one single feature, a fireplace. Warmth is extremely valued in this state and people should take notice when
Minnesotans go against this reasoning and elect to bear the harsh winds and cold to attend an outdoor event during a Minnesota winter.

Such an occurrence took place last Saturday, March 13, when thousands of individuals (not hundreds) lined the steps and surrounding area of the Capitol in St. Paul to attend a “Kill the Bill” rally. The exact number attending nor the title of the event is as important as is the fact that few have witnessed a crowd of this proportion in recent memory gathering to address an issue of such substance: The future of our nation’s health care. What is so noteworthy about this event is that the individuals attending weren’t organized by one overarching group, they don’t belong to a particular political party and could have been doing so many other things on a weekend, yet they decided to show up in the cold. The voices heard weren’t voices of anger in so much as they were voices of concern. The crowds in St. Paul and throughout the country over the weekend will undoubtedly continue to gather should they remain largely ignored by our political leaders. It is now our job to make certain that our elected officials remain accountable for their actions.

Much like this group in St. Paul, most of the staff at American Majority has witnessed passionate people across the country uniting for the cause of limited government, often braving the elements to stand up for what is right. While I don’t expect you to battle a harsh Minnesota winter, I do hope you won’t let their efforts go in vain. It will take all of us, working together, to turn this country around. I hope you will join us.


  1. Meredith Males on March 17, 2010 at 8:39 am

    Thank you for giving hope by reporting this!

  2. uberVU - social comments on March 17, 2010 at 1:24 pm

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