
Barbie Shatters the Glass Ceiling

June 23, 2010

I just returned from Toy Story 3 and I have to tell you that in our day to day battle of politics, spin and outright manipulation of facts and truth it was a refreshing story.

As a mom who’s first born is college bound this fall the story hit close to home as well. As I sat there in the movie with my family I was happily entertained. Isn’t that why we go to the movies, to be entertained?

The story follows along the live toy theme of the previous two episodes but now the toys are facing Andy, their boy, leaving  for college.  Andy’s mom, evidently a conservative parent, let’s Andy know that he has until Friday (his departure day) to store, pack or trash all the belongings in his room.  Given that he has to decide the fate of the Toys.

**Spoiler Alert**

Andy decides to take Woody, his favorite childhood toy, along with him to college while storing the rest of his toys in the attic. Through a series of mishaps the toys for storage end up in a “Stalag 13” type day care that has been commandeered by a dictatorial stuffed bear, who had an rough childhood and is destined to take it out on the rest of toy humanity.

As Andy’s toys are remanded to custody and forced to do time in a room full of abusive toddlers, they plan their escape. As fate would have it they are caught by the Hitler Bear and his army who threaten them with an awaiting trash pick-up if they don’t return to their appointed duty.

The best line in the whole movie comes from Barbie at this point who sternly pronounces “Leadership comes from the consent of the governed not from the threat of force!”  BAM! I have never loved Barbie so much in my life~ how exciting that a children’s movie is not full of anthropomorphic rhetoric on top of tree hugging liberal drivel. FINALLY a new family flick that I don’t leave with the need to deprogram.

The entire story was filled with great life lessons of personal responsibility, charity, friendship and loyalty. Not to mention the unwavering pursuit of one’s own happiness derived from the journey of life through heartache, tribulation and overcoming.

Who knew all these years  Barbie was a closet conservative and just needed to suffer under the oppression of an overstuffed tyrant to take a stand. Watch out Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman and Ann Coulter; Barbie has shattered the glass ceiling!!

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