
Conservatives Don’t Represent the Fringe

October 20, 2010

Still have friends/colleagues that believe candidates running on conservative principles across the country represent the “fringe” and are unelectable?  Well, have them check out this piece by Josh Kraushaar in Hotline entitled “Revenge of the Right.”

Race after race shows conservatives doing far better than moderates, even in areas of the country that haven’t had a track record of electing conservatives to office.

For further proof, and as Mr. Kraushaar points out, a recent ABC News/Yahoo survey shows that 55 percent of Americans believe that the tea party can bring about effective change within government.  Also, as cited by Mr. Kraushaar, a Gallup poll this month suggests that 54 percent of likely midterm voters identify themselves as conservative – 14 points higher that the 1994 elections.

Some might be surprised by these numbers and choose to ignore them, particularly my friends on the left.  However, in doing so, they are refusing to acknowledge what has become crystal clear in the minds of voters.  That this election, more so than in any in recent memory, will be one driven by the issues and not a popularity contest between parties.

Simply put, this is NOT a “what have you done for me lately” election.  More government being the solution to every issue that comes up doesn’t make sense to voters.

Some candidates think they can impress voters by rattling off government-related acronyms related to their past experiences within elected office.  However, what they are failing to realize is that, in doing so, they are endorsing a “more of the same” prescription for how they would govern and vote, something that doesn’t fly with the majority of voters.

Voters want a fresh attitude and principled leadership from our elected leaders.  Conservative candidates within Minnesota and across the country are offering this vision, providing clear and attractive choices for voters to make 13 days from now.

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