
Game Over, Birfers

April 27, 2011

The President has released his long-form birth certificate, proving that he was, in fact, born in Hawaii as he has consistently said. You can find the (.pdf) here, and the press secretary’s statement here.

It was just a matter of time until this came out. For an explanation of the political expediency of releasing the certificate today, I point you to Erick Erickson at RedState.

This development, of course, means that thousands (and maybe millions) or birfers, including the ever-incendiary Donald Trump, must find a new pastime. As AM President Ned Ryun made clear last year, American Majority does not welcome or encourage discussion of the birth certificate issue (now non-issue). It is, and always has been, a waste of time, resources, and brainpower for otherwise clever and thoughtful would-be activists.

Now, thanks to the president (and I say that without sarcasm), thousands of former birfers can fully devote their efforts to recruiting, supporting, and electing conservative candidates at the local and state levels without concern for conspiracy theories or far-flung scenarios of the president’s birth.

Former birfers, welcome back. Let’s get to work.


  1. Myra on April 28, 2011 at 8:40 am

    You are, of course, entitled, and welcome, to your opinion as to whether the clamor for the prez to release his birth certificate was “a waste of time, resources, and brainpower for otherwise clever and thoughtful would-be activists.” The fact remains that HE made it the issue it became by beligerantly refusing to comply with a very simple request. He obviously gains tremendous joy from toying with the minions. It is his arrogance which rankles!

  2. Eric Josephsen on April 28, 2011 at 9:33 am

    I’ll agree with you there, Myra. He certainly withheld it as long as it was to his political advantage, like any savvy politician would. I think that’s what Erick Erickson was getting at in the RedState post that I linked to. I am glad that this distraction is over and done with, though.

  3. Larry G. DeVries on May 3, 2011 at 10:24 am

    I agree with the comments to move on but …

    There are two primary constitutional qualifications to become President: 35 years of age and birth in the United States of America. Both qualifications can be answered by an official hospital birth certificate. Maybe in the past when many babies were born at home – and there was no hospital birth certificate record – a birth certificate was not suggested in politics as a requirement for a presidential candidate. But those days of domestic births without a hospital birth certificate are long gone.

    The requirement on any citizen to obtain a copy of his/her own has been a requirement for numerous reasons: from personnel offices for civilian employment, from admissions offices for entry into a college or a university, and from application offices for other purposes. At the Federal level it is a prerequisite for a federal government passport among many other official government requirements such as security clearances of various levels. Those institutional demands have been unwavering and absolute – no authenticated copy of your hospital birth certificate, no admission.

    The 2008 request for an Obama birth certificate was certainly reasonable considering his parents and the circumstances of his birth.

    Any other American, in the course of life, when faced with a request for an authenticated hospital birth certificate would have been required by the requestor to produce same.

    Mr. Obama probably had to obtain a copy of his birth certificate and provide a copy for entry admission into at least three educational instititions and later for his U. S. passport. This request was not new to him.

    Other modern presidents have gone beyond the birth certificate and routinely produced documentation on other kinds of personal information and records. They have complied even though these requirements have been well beyond establishing proof of meeting the constitutional requirement to be president.

    The print and television media – the so-called professional “Press Corps” – obviously gave Obama a pass early on with this birth certificate issue beginning early on. The Democratic Party was no help. It never required this on their candidate to lay the issue to rest.

    Mr. Obama apparently delighted in keeping secrets, playing games with the press corps, and tweaking the general public during the campaign. That behaviour continued after he became president.

    The birth certificate issue became a moot point once he was sworn in as president. Thereafter, it became, like they say, an academic issue.

    After he became President it became an issue insofar as his actions to that point lacked openness and transparency.

    His behaviour since 2008 on this subject has been condesending to the electorate and remained very elitist.

  4. Ron Bass on May 13, 2011 at 5:26 am

    Sorry to all.
    Obama is still not eligible to be POTUS. What oounts is whether he is a natural born citizens. He is not because his father was not an American citizen.

  5. Josephine on May 13, 2011 at 11:24 am

    I agree with Ron Bass, both parents have to be American citizens for the child to be an American citizen. There are some who say we should move on to more important issues; they are crossly mistaken. It is extremely important to make sure our President is Constitutionally eligibe to hold the office.
    I don’t think his constitutionality has been established yet!

  6. Fuzzy on May 27, 2011 at 2:28 pm

    You are so right about this issue. Someone has to take a really good look at these documents because I know my birth certificate has the State Board Of Health stamp. This is not just a ink stamp, it is a stamp like notary uses. My wife has a copy from the register of deeds and that too has a stamp on it. Now you take a look at Obama’s and that is not there. You would think that as long as it took them to get these made up they would have done them correctly.

  7. Ruth on June 5, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    I hate to inform you but it is not a non-issue. What Obama released has been proven a forgery. Too many experts have proven that it is not a true birth certificate. I know you want to move on but don’t give out false information or keep up with the news.

  8. Eric Josephsen on June 6, 2011 at 7:56 am

    Ruth, if it had been proven a forgery, President Biden would have been inaugurated by now. There are many that are skeptical of its authenticity, but to say it has been “proven” false is a bit strong.

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