
What if This Isn’t an Accident?

August 18, 2011

What if it’s all on purpose?

The country’s biggest talkers have unabashedly taken this question into consideration in recent weeks as the state of our nation’s economy continues to worsen. Even Rush Limbaugh, the most listened-to man in America, argued that an economic collapse or a default on our national debt would be “intentional” on the part of the current administration.

Intentionally destroying the economy? Why would our elected officials intentionally bring economic hardship on their own people? Who in our representative government would do such a terrible thing? We could ponder these matters all day, but these are the wrong questions.

Two weeks ago, the Department of Agriculture announced that more Americans than ever, a whopping 45.8 million, are on food stamps (now known as SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Of all Americans with stomachs, nearly 15 percent can’t fill them without the government, uhh, “supplementing” their “nutrition.” These 46 million recipients are only 67 percent of the number eligible to apply. That means that 22%, over one fifth of all Americans, have been determined to be in need of government-distributed money to put food on their tables. This is a tragic development for sure, as the mere thought of families unable to feed themselves is unsettling in this land of prosperity.

Via the Daily Kos

But take heart! Our beloved government has overcome hunger, so we need not despair over such an abysmal expansion of the welfare state. According to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, food stamps are just another form of “economic stimulus.” Well, that’s one way to describe it.

Normally, we would have let out a despairing sigh as we pointed to these welfare numbers as a sign of a poor economy. But as our elected leaders keep digging a deeper hole, the excuse makers are running out of alternative explanations, and the American people are beginning to wonder: Could this be more than a poor economy? Could this be an engineered trend? What could the engineers possibly stand to gain by impoverishing their own people?

Over 150 years ago, a French aristocrat named Alexis de Tocqueville wrote of the dangers of a “soft despotism.” Even a century and a half ago, after only a few years in the country, a foreigner was able to warn us of the risk of democratic oppression of the masses by their own selfishness. When people allow themselves to be nestled into the coddling arms of their own government, they forfeit their liberty, their treasure, their dignity, and the very self-reliance that makes them human.

Half of all Americans now receive some form of government aid, and the statists are happy to provide it not because they hope to solve problems, but because they hope to solidify and enslave a permanent base by holding dignified citizens ransom for votes. What more Americans are realizing every day is that we do not simply have a bad batch of politicians in Washington who are trying and failing at their jobs. We are not even governed, as many like to think, by a group of self-interested fat cats apathetic toward their own constituents’ needs. Our country is run by a crop of malevolent, power-hungry aristocrats bent on the aggregation of power at the expense of the people’s liberty.

Despite our oft-repeated national credo that “all men are created equal,” there is a ruling class in the United States, and its interests stand diametrically opposed to those of the American people.

As they sit in their smoke-filled room, this ruling class clambers for more “stimulus” (in the form of food stamps and otherwise). They toss us, the American people, onto the poker table like inherently worthless chips to be gambled away for more votes, more influence, more power, as they sip their brandy, puff on their expensive cigars, and project a chorus of belly laughs that lack even the slightest hint of restraint or remorse for their daily betrayal of the very people who empower them.

And why should they feel any lingering regret? As goes the dependence of the populace on the provision of the government, so goes the electoral security of the statist machine. Why not laugh with gusto as votes flow into the ballot box and treasure pours into the coffers? Sure, they have to face themselves in the mirror as one-fifth of their citizens hold out their hands for a “nutrition supplement,” but in return, they are assured that these government-manufactured Dickensian shells of once capable and driven individuals would never bite the hand that feeds them.

So what would you do in their position? More Americans than ever look to the government to put food on their tables every night. Would you solve the problem, or expand the base and your job security by adding more citizens to the government dole?

Our ruling class has run out of excuses for this abuse of power, and the American people have run out of patience. Our Washingtonian leaders can no longer claim to be even remotely interested in real recovery because we now see that they care only about power, gathered and hoarded on the backs of once-dignified citizens. It is clearer than ever that real recovery must come from somewhere else.


  1. neal churchill on August 24, 2011 at 9:54 pm

    It is time for honest Americans to stand up to the DC politicians and their legions in the various departments, EPA, TSA, and dozens more that make legislative law without congress demanding they stop.

  2. jackie king on September 12, 2011 at 10:55 am

    It seems dependence on our nation’s govenment is a solid goal of those who run the show. Food stamps = dependence. Joblessness = dependence. Health care = dependence. Housing = dependence. Water = dependence. Travel = dependence. What actions taken by Washington are driving our nation to increased dependence? Trade deficits = dependence on others. Our nations credit standing = dependence on or subjection to others. Look at the actions. Foresee the end result = dependence. At the Farm & Food Leadership Conference in San Antonio today one speaker John Ikerd, professor emeritus of agricultural economics at the University of Missouri, says “…U.S. farm policy for the past 50 years has been “an absolute failure,” focused on improving economic security for corporate agriculture while ignoring food security for the country….. We have only a three day supply of food (on grocery shelves) and a supply chain that is more than 1,500 miles long with many parts of it overseas in places not real friendly to us.” Result = imminent dependence. Dependence on whom?

  3. Claudia Henneberry on September 19, 2011 at 8:56 pm

    My sentiments exactly, Eric. Your article is exactly the truth. The Emperor has no clothes and no one in the lame-stream media has ever said it! It is as if we live in an alternate universe. However, as a former history teacher, we know that the effort to over-throw freedom in this country has been incrementally attempted and accomplished throughout the past century. It is not a new concept, yet we see, with the 3 branches having been controlled by the ‘demon’crats since 2006 until 2010, this process taking place at a breath-taking pace. The destruction of our country is being done on purpose and it is stunning to watch everyone in the media, with the small exception of talk-radio, tip-toe around this imposter president and Congress and pretend that everything is business as usual. I am standing with many others in many groups doing multiple things to combat this criminal assault. I am a Mom and refuse to allow my children to inherit a future without freedom.

  4. thx1132v2 on October 29, 2011 at 4:07 pm

    Yes indeedy, it is intentional but it’s nothing new. It’s the same plan FDR had in 1934. See the political cartoon from 1934 at the link below. If you do the research on the characters named in the cartoon you will find an amazing similarity to the participants in the current administration.,0,

    Sam plan, different players.

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