
The Repeal Pledge

October 1, 2010

Independent Women’s Voice and American Majority Action are combining forces on The Repeal Pledge, which is calling for the de-authorization, defunding and repealing of ObamaCare. The hope is to get as many incumbents and candidates to sign the pledge to get them on the record. Rush Limbaugh has begun talking up the pledge, saying that ObamaCare must be repealed, and you can see the clip of Rush talking about it here at American Majority Action’s site. The Wall Street Journal wrote an editorial about it on Monday, and the entire editorial is here.  Now people will say that pledges are meaningless, they accomplish nothing. But that’s if they don’t have any muscle behind them to enforce the pledge. I have a feeling that there will be some real “muscle” behind this pledge, and once incumbents and candidates are on the record, they can be, and will be, held accountable. I would strongly encourage those reading to sign the pledge themselves, but also to get the incumbents and candidates in their districts to sign it as well. There are specific pledges for both incumbents and candidates, with the incumbent one being here, and the candidate one here. I believe that ObamaCare is, and should be, a major campaign issue this fall, so get ahold of the candidates in your area today and get them to sign the pledge.


  1. MountainHome on October 1, 2010 at 11:42 am

    Sounds good to me. The People petitioning their own government. It’s what was done prior to the American Revolution. I like it!!

  2. Ginger Winchester on October 5, 2010 at 10:51 am

    Ned is an amateur historian. I find that really important when you want to show off how much you know about history. Excellent!

  3. Ralph D. Longo on November 1, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    It’s time for our representatives to listen to the American People. Time to return to our patriotic values. It’s time to enforce the constitution and the lawful laws enacted. We are a WE CAN DO people. Stand as one UNIFIED nation under God.

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