

April 5, 2010

Next month, American Majority, one of America’s premiere organizations for conservative activist training will do something unprecedented. It will unleash 30 citizen activists from more than 20 states to begin training in their local regions.

For years, the left has dominated in the area of citizen involvement, but American Majority is fighting back. No, Arianna Huffington, they are not encouraging violence. Conservatives have somehow been duped into believing that our only course of action against the socialist takeover of our country is to vote every two years. As was stated very clearly in Pennsylvania last August, a sleeping giant has been awakened. This fire was ignited with the Tea Parties, continued with the Town Halls and is spreading daily as our elected officials consistently choose to ignore us.

So Americans are awake, now what? That is where American Majority comes in. Although rallies and protests have been vital to this great awakening, they will not in themselves turn this country around. We have a lot of ground to make up and a very short time to do it. American Majority is dedicated to equipping conservative soldiers with the weapons (not real weapons) that they need to succeed. This arsenal includes knowledge of American history, social media skills, campaigning techniques and coalition building.

I am excited to begin training for American Majority here in Missouri in the very near future. My plan is to conduct these trainings frequently in the surrounding areas, so please watch the calendar and encourage friends and family to attend. Of course, all trainings will be announced here.

Until then, check out all of the great resources here at and sign up to receive updates about future events in your area. I look forward to seeing you there!

This article is cross-posted at and


  1. Brandon Martin on April 7, 2010 at 1:10 am

    Great introduction, Jedidiah! Love your sincerity. My prediction: In a year or two, liberal activist groups will be meeting to discuss what they can learn from studying the Mechanics’ success.

  2. mark on April 11, 2010 at 7:32 pm

    weapons (not real weapons)….. Are not verbal and activist skills real weapons?

    maybe weapons (not physical weapons)…

  3. Hooie on April 19, 2010 at 6:22 am

    I love reading about sheep who are clueless. First off your a liberal if you believe in unregulated business, plundering the environment, and allowing the rich to screw the rest of us. That’s being Liberal in policy and consumption. Now Progressiveness is a different story. Progressives want to see positive change that benefits all. But Conservatives don’t like change. They love running up massive debt like Reagan, and the 2 Bush’s do. They like wars and stealing from the poor. And they think for some reason Obama is a Socialist while enjoying Socialism every day. You forget these entities are Socialist Entities: Police and Fire Departments, Public Schools. Municipal Hospitals, Libraries, Parks, the Military, CIA, FBI, most of our infrastructure like roads and bridges. So don’t tell me your not a socialist because you are.

  4. uberVU - social comments on April 27, 2010 at 8:31 pm

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