
Continuing Campaign Education

June 3, 2010

At American Majority we work to give the best political training available to conservative activists and candidates. In the end it’s about fielding an army of conservatives who are more than just fluent in political buzz words…we want the men and women who come through our training to be stronger campaign volunteers, empowered activists and winning candidates.

Part of that kind of training is giving continuing resources for education after our training sessions have ended. We do this by giving trainees access to presentations, manuals, podcastsvideo tutorials, pamphlets, guides and other materials through our website but we’ve also found other resources that can help you in strengthening your campaign education.

Political Campaigning Tips: Phil Van Treuren has been involved with politics for a long time. He’s worn the hat of beat reporter, political consultant, campaign volunteer and local candidate. He currently serves as a City Councilman in Amherst, OH and does a great job blogging about running for local office. He also did a guest post for that gives some great tips on seeking public office. Their slogan is “Disscecting The Craft of Online Political Advocacy.” ePolitics does a great job of providing tips on how to use online tools to enhance your campaign and political impact in general. One of my favorite posts they’ve done recently is, “Nine Things Campaigns Shouldn’t Forget in the Gee-Whiz World of the Social web.” Check it out! is a “cross-partisan” forum where a large number of veteran campaign operatives share knowledge about how technology is influencing our electoral process and politics in general. They crunch a lot of data and provide cool graphs like this one, tracking top politicians and their number of facebook followers. probably doesn’t rank on most folks’ list of sites for politicos to follow but there’s no excuse for leaving it off of yours. Social media and web-based campaigning are facts of life in today’s political world and Mashable is the place to go to find out the newest ways to use the web and social tools. They’ve also got some pretty cool techno-geek articles.

Majority Connections‘ is to help conservatives understand how to use new media and social networking platforms to reach new followers, engage their activists, and create online movements. Their blog gives fantastic tips on how to engage more effectively with online activists and strengthen your campaign.

Seth Godin is one of the few people who can truly be considered a new-media guru. He’s pioneered social media use  and his blog is a must-read. His book Tribes is what hooked me on social media in general and Twitter specifically.

All of these sites are on my bookmarks bar and I recommend that you put them there too!

Leave a comment and share your favorite sites with campaign tips!


  1. Tweets that mention Continuing Campaign Education « American Majority -- on June 3, 2010 at 8:23 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by AM's Austin James, usACTIONnews. usACTIONnews said: RT @AmericaMajority: AM's Blog: Continuing Campaign Education #uncategorized #activisttraining #americanmajority […]

  2. Online Candidate on June 7, 2010 at 9:14 pm has an article section and resources for local candidates.

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