
Did Your State Cut Taxes Last Year?

February 7, 2014


A report released by our friends at the American Legislative Exchange Council Center for State Fiscal Reform reveals which states cut taxes in 2013 – whether through fundamental tax reform or slight modification of their tax codes.

Cutting taxes gives businesses the ability to hire more employees, creating much-needed jobs and lowering unemployment. The co-author of the report emphasizes the impact lower taxes can make on unemployment:

“In fact, from 2001 to 2011, the nine states with the highest personal income taxes have increased their total employment by only 4.9 percent. Over the same time period, the nine states with no personal income taxes saw their total employment grow by 12.7 percent, more than double.”

Eighteen states cut taxes in the 2013 legislative year. Find out if yours is one of them.

I’m happy to see that over one-third of states took successful steps toward implementing pro-growth reforms and cut taxes in 2013. It takes courage and commitment to see a proposed tax cut enacted into law.

I encourage you to get involved in your state for the chance to impact taxes and spending in 2014. One way to start is by educating yourself. Download American Majority’s free State Legislative Manual today!

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