How to Take Freedom Fest Home

There is an undeniable, electrifying sensation that accompanies a conference of like-minded individuals. When you are surrounded by brilliant minds, critical thinkers, and inspiring orators it can be all too easy to get swept up in the heady atmosphere the conference creates.  The room hums with the excitement of conversations and friendly debate. People cluster…

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From Talking to Walking

Okay the rally is over, the signs are put away and now what?  Now is the time we separate the talk from the walk.  Each time I share with a group of people I ask this question: What are you personally willing to invest today to ensure freedom and liberty tomorrow? Here in Arkansas we…

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Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!”

On March 23, 1775, 235 years ago today, Patrick Henry gave his immortal speech, closing with the lines, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me…

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Post-Party Summits: Organizing for a Free America

I’m excited about the Post Party Summits that American Majority is doing in conjunction with Smart Girl Politics, RedState and the John Hancock Committee for the States. The focus is all about empowering the grassroots: grassroots trainings, candidate training, online activism, and training on topics like leadership, messaging, etc. I’m excited to announce today that…

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60+ High-Quality Free WordPress Themes

During our Activist Trainings, we stress the importance of getting your organization and your thoughts online. The number of young people getting their news from online newspapers is falling fast. This means it is up to you and I to ensure a fair and balanced perspective is shared on blogs, social networks, and websites throughout…

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