
How to Celebrate Veteran’s Day this Year

Happy Veterans Day
November 11, 2020

President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared Veteran’s Day a national holiday to honor veterans who served in our nation’s branches of the military. Each year we thank the many men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting the freedoms we hold dear.

With the continued chaos of this year, it is more important than ever to take the time to celebrate this holiday. Here are some ways you can do that today:


  1. Thank a Veteran

Remind them how grateful you are for their service and their sacrifices.


2. Respect our nation and our flag

This ought to go without saying, but take the time to respect the nation and the flag that our veterans fought to protect.


3. Visit veterans in nursing homes 

Spend time with a veteran this Veterans’s Day. Sit with them and listen to their stories.


4. Visit a local historic military sight

Here is a list of 99 landmarks around the country where you can go and learn about a part of our nation’s military history.


5. Serve them 

There are countless volunteering opportunities available with organizations serving the veterans in your community, consider giving back to the individuals who sacrificed so much for your freedom.


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